Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Core prerequisite is the knowledge of the English language equal or
superior to the B1 level defined by the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. During the
course, it will be paid particular
attention to any specific need of grammatical and/or terminological
review and students will have the
possibility to receive online indications for autonomous exercises and
integrative readings. It is suggested
to attend a basic course of Legal English.
The full attendance of the course and the achievement of a mark equal to
or higher than 25/30 allows the student to reach a B2 level.

Final Examination: 

The exam is in written form and is based on a quiz on the legal matters
studied during the course, including
for example matching and gap-filling exercises, true or false exercises,
multiple choice questions, as well
as the translation of specific expressions of Legalese and plain English.
During the exam, students are
allowed to use monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, as well as legal and
commercial vocabularies.

Voto Finale

The course aims to develop adequate skills in reading, interpreting, and translating texts from Legal English into Italian. It is dedicated to the analysis of stylistic, lexical, and grammatical techniques of legal drafting in both English and Italian, with a particular focus on formal and informal written communication contexts and the differences between Legalese and Plain English. During the course, students will read, translate, and examine various types of legal texts to highlight the main criteria of legal drafting and translation, techniques for understanding the original text, phases of the translation process, commonly used interpretative frameworks, frequent translation errors, terminological ambiguities, translation synthesis, principles of reciprocity, compensation and differential frequency, style rules, and the purposes of legal documents, including common formats and the translation of binding documents (particularly contracts).

Additionally, the course offers constant linguistic and legal comparisons between Common Law and Civil Law systems and examines the linguistic impact of international organizations on the development of Legal English (with a specific focus on the English used within EU institutions), essential jurisprudential references for Italian translations, and the creation of databases and ad hoc glossaries to facilitate the translation of legal texts from English to Italian. Furthermore, the course incorporates various references to online research resources for further exploration of the topics covered.

A modern aspect of the course includes the integration of artificial intelligence tools for legal translation and drafting in both Italian and English. These tools will be explored for their ability to assist in streamlining translation processes, improving accuracy in terminology use, and enhancing the drafting of complex legal documents. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on the advantages and limitations of AI-powered platforms in the legal field, examining how they can complement traditional translation methods and support legal professionals in an increasingly digitalized world.

The first part of the course will be dedicated to reviewing the main grammatical structures of the English language and the most frequent lexical formulas, with particular attention to the use of modal verbs, infinitives, phrasal verbs, synonyms, and the presence of false friends in legal documents. The exercises will include constant comparisons between Plain English and Legalese, between British English and American English, and between advanced vocabulary and legal English vocabulary.

During the second part of the course, various rules of legal drafting and translation will be examined, as well as techniques for converting expressions and terms from Legalese to Plain English, the main stylistic criteria and interpretative canons, the format of a legal document, and the translation and revision techniques to adopt when dealing with binding documents.

An additional aspect of the course will cover the use of artificial intelligence tools for drafting and translating legal texts in Italian and English. AI tools will be analyzed for their ability to support professionals in creating accurate and complete legal texts, improving terminological precision, and speeding up the drafting and translation process. Students will become familiar with these tools and understand their potential benefits and limitations in the field of legal translation, integrating them with traditional drafting and revision methods.


The course will take place from September to December (50 hours).
During the lessons, the
grammatical and lexical analysis will be integrated with numerous
practical exercises and readings,
translations and comprehension tests.

Students can meet the Professor at the end of her lessons by prior
appointment requested by e-mail:
