Diritti umani, religioni ed Agenda Nazione Unite 20-30

Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Knowledge of international law, ecclesiastical law and canonical / comparative law of religions, European Union law and public-constitutional law. Attendance of theclass of Religions and Rights in Multicultural Societies (monographic course dedicated to Islam at the DISUIT Dept.) can also provide a useful frame of reference for those interested in the fields of international law and cooperation.

Final Examination: 

Students may choose between two modes of assessment:
1. the discussion around a "term paper" on a topic covered in the od related to the course. The paper may also be written in the context of the activities of the REDESM (Religions and Rights in the Mediterranean Area, www.redesm.org) Research Centre in the manner agreed with the teacher.
2. Questioning on the course programme on the basis of the texts provided by the teachers.

Voto Finale

Focusing on the objectives of the UN AGENDA 2030 and the international conventions related to it, the course aims to provide future legal practitioners with the basic tools necessary for understanding the human rights system in the international legal system in its practical interaction with the religious and cultural traditions.
The first module of the course will provide an overview of the 'human rights' system, its historical genesis, the progression of its legal articulation, some cultural and religious issues related to its implementation, and the question of the actual universality of these rights.
The second module of the course will provide in-depth knowledge on the United Nations 2030 Agenda with a particular focus on the Euro-Mediterranean framework, exercising students to transfer general knowledge to the analysis of specific issues (ecological issue; women's rights; children's rights; right to education) developing adequate evaluative skills to be adequately argued and elaborated. Finally, the comparative approach that characterises the course will allow the acquisition of a reflexive capacity to understand the social, political, cultural and religious conditioning in the application of human rights as well as an aptitude for critical analysis of the situations examined.
As a whole, therefore, the training objectives of the course apply the Dublin descriptors based on: 1. knowledge and understanding 2. applying knowledge 3. making judgements and 4. communication and learning skills.

The course is divided into two modules of 25 hours each.
The first module, aimed at providing the framework and theoretical basis of the course, will provide an initial systematic overview of the human rights system and the issues related to its implementation in multicultural and multireligious contexts. Among the topics covered: the genesis of human rights, their historical development, their "positivisation" by post-World War II constitutionalism, the specificity of international human rights treaties, the Treaties Bodies, (originalist and progressive) interpretations of human rights, the legal relevance of cultural and religious reservations, human rights in Muslim and Asian traditions.
The second module, of an operational nature, will focus on the 2030 Agenda as a global and transversal tool for building peaceful, sustainable, inclusive and just societies. it will consist of two workshops that will occupy the whole day on Monday (indicatively Monday 27 November and Monday 4 December). The two workshops will consist of a first part (the morning) with presentations by international guests and the second part with activities (divided into groups) by the participants who will have to produce a written text related to the topics covered in the morning that will be discussed with the guests and forwarded to the UN Agency responsible for the 2030 Agenda.

The didactics of the course envisages, alongside introductions to the topics carried out according to the face-to-face teaching method, ample moments of participatory co-working (flipped classrooms), particularly around legal and political texts that will require the active participation of students. The course also includes in-depth seminars entrusted to external experts with whom students will be invited to interact in order to verify and deepen the topics analysed in the course. The two workshops of the second module will allow students to experiment with a variety of working techniques.

The teacher receives on Monday from 3 to 4. 30 p.m. in the Manica Lunga's room and can always be reached at:

A United Nations Context experience in Morocco is also planned for the year 2022-2023 (in March), where students will be asked to exercise the skills acquired in the course in activities with other students from African and European universities. Participation in this activity will result in additional credits to the extent determined by the Departmental Council.