Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Passing the private law institutions exam is required

Final Examination: 

The exam is oral.
For attending students only, there is a program limited to the topics covered in class. As an alternative to the oral presentation, attending students can present written reports on the topics indicated on the e-learning page

Voto Finale

The course aims at raising awareness of the main contractual relationships that occur in the fashion sector both with reference to relationships between businesses (B2B contracts) and with reference to relationships between entrepreneurs and professionals, with or without the intervention of third parties carrying out activities of intermediation and aims at identifying the peculiarities of the sector

The object of the course is the study, also through the examination of contractual models, of the main negotiation relationships that occur in the fashion sector.

30 hours of the course are shared with the business contracts course held by Prof. Geo Magri, while 20 hours of lessons are given by Prof. Feola.

For the exam, it is mandatory the study of BOTH of the following texts:

Diritto dei contratti di impresa, Volume I, edited by Salvatore Monticelli, year 2021, and Monticelli (from page 1 to page 190)

Fashion Law. Le problematiche giuridiche della filiera della moda, edited by Barbara Pozzo and Valentina Jacometti, 2017, Giuffré (in full)

For students that will attend the course, the program will specifically focus on the following topics, covered in class:

Business contracts: B2B contracts, B2C contracts, third contract
Distribution contract
Subcontracting contract in production activities
Network contract
Commercial lease
Pop up stores and flagship stores
Hiring models and stylists
Agency in the trade sector and in the hiring of stylists and models
The influencer: market positioning and contractual relationships
The exam is oral.

The object of the course is the study, also through the examination of contractual models, of the main negotiation relationships that occur in the fashion sector.
30 hours of the course are shared with the business contracts course held by Prof. Geo Magri, while 20 hours of lessons are given by Prof. Feola.
To prepare for the exam, the study of BOTH of the following texts is required:
The company's contracts, Volume I, edited by Salvatore Monticelli, year 2021, and Monticelli (from page 1 to page 190)
Fashion Law. the legal problems of the fashion supply chain, edited by Barbara Pozzo and Valentina Jacometti, 2017, Giuffré (in full)
For those attending, the program will specifically focus on the following topics, covered in class:
1. Business contracts: B2B contracts, B2C contracts, third contract
2. Distribution contract
3. Contract
4. Subcontracting contract in production activities
5. Network contract
6. Commercial lease
7. Pop up stores and flagship stores
8. Franchising
9. Mandate
10. Hiring models and stylists
11. Agency in the field of trade and in the hiring of stylists and models
12. Outsourcing
13. The influencer: market positioning and contractual relationships


The teaching includes frontal lessons and the study of some tools that will forward to the students, such as contract models and slides, which will be published on the e-learning platform
