Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

There are no prerequisites.
It is advisable to have attended the Institutions of Private Law and Constitutional Law courses.

Final Examination: 

The verification of learning will take place through oral examinations.
Attending students may participate, at their discretion, in an intermediate test, the outcome of which will be taken into account, exclusively in bonam partem, at the final interview.

Voto Finale

The course is divided into two modules. The first, of a general and introductory nature, is aimed at deepening, with an interdisciplinary slant, the themes connected to State intervention in the market, as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, with specific reference to the environment. In particular, it will deal with the issue of climate change and the relationship between the economy and the ecosystem. The second, of a special nature, analyses - also through the analysis of positive law and Italian and EU case law - some of the instruments implemented at European and national level to achieve the so-called ‘green turn’.

I. General Part
1. The theoretical reasons for public intervention in economic matters in the prism of the environment.
2. Complexity, interdependencies and common goods
3. The limits of the market
4. The limits of public hand
II. Part Two: Analysis of Positive Law
1. traditional models of public intervention in the economy: the case of the electricity sector (public enterprise and public services; privatisation of subjects and liberalisation of activities)
2. new perspectives: public intervention in the economy and sustainable development. The constitutional law on environmental protection (the reform of Articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution). The Green deal.


The subject will be covered through the study and classroom discussion of practical cases, as well as
through the analysis and in-depth study of theoretical categories.
a) Attendance is taken as an evaluation parameter in the final examination;
b) the programme reserved for attending students is diversified and takes into account the hours of study accrued in class
c) attending students may take part, at their own discretion, in any intermediate test,
the outcome of which will be taken into account, exclusively in bonam partem, at the final interview.
e) students intending to attend are invited to enrol on the appropriate list, which will be made available to them at the beginning of the course

The reception for students will take place on two days a week, for a total of approximately 4 hours; furthermore, during the period of frontal teaching, it will be possible to make requests for clarification, not only during the course of the lecture, but also at the end of it. The lecturer is, moreover, available to agree on a different reception time, upon request through the University email address, the Teaching Secretariat or other institutional channels.
Interaction opportunities may also take place remotely.
