Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no prerequisite constraints, but according to the regulations, the student must have passed all the exams and eligibility required for the first year

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of an oral examination. The objective of the examination is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated educational objectives, evaluating the level of knowledge and in-depth study of the topics addressed.
In particular, it will be evaluated the knowledge of the topics, the comprehension / discussion skills of the topics connected to it and the mastery of the scientific language proper to the field of reference and the clarity of expression. The vote is expressed in thirtieths (single vote of the integrated course Medicine and Public Health).

Voto Finale

The integrated course aims to provide the student:

The main knowledge on the determinants and main risk factors that influence health, disease and the interaction between the human being and his physical and social environment, with particular attention to the pregnant woman.

The essential notions on epidemiology for public health, health determinants, prevention of infectious and chronic-degenerative diseases, hospital hygiene in an obstetric environment.

The basis for understanding the health effects of occupational risks, for recognizing possible occupational diseases and the link between the most frequent diseases and occupational exposure.

The notions on the mode of spread of the main infectious diseases and in particular on vertically transmitted infections, infections of the uro-genital apparatus in pregnancy and the most frequent infections in health personnel dedicated to obstetrics. The basis for the knowledge of the infectious risk for health professionals and the principles of the rules of post-exposure prophylaxis will also be provided.

The Integrated Course consists of 3 modules:
- Occupational Medicine
- Infectious Diseases
- General and Applied Hygiene


At the end of the integrated course the student will be able to:
1. Define the pathologies under study
2. Describe its etiopathogenesis and epidemiology
3. Know the clinical manifestations and the diagnostic process
4. Critically assess the severity of the main symptoms and distinctive signs of such pathologies
5. Describe the care strategies in the person affected by the pathologies covered by the teaching
6. Use scientific language properties
7. Assessing the infectious risk for healthcare professionals
8. Describe correct behaviors for the prevention of infections associated with care practices
9. Explain the rules of post-exposure prophylaxis

See the individual courses of the integrated course

See the individual courses of the integrated course

See the individual courses of the integrated course