Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

No knowledge or skills deemed necessary for a successful learning or preparatory constraints are necessary.

The exam includes an oral exam, during which the teacher not only verifies the acquisition of concepts and information, but also the ability to communicate, show, reflect and personal and professional reasoning.
For the subject matter, it is necessary, for a good or excellent evaluation, to demonstrate not only that the material has been internalized and memorized, but also that it has acquired subjective methods of criticism and reflection, and that what has been learned is translated into operation.

Voto Finale

The course also aims to stimulate students' reflections on the structure and functionality of contemporary parenting, in order to better understand the possible operational methods of the educator in support of educational systems.
In order to perfect the notions and objectives mentioned above, the teacher refers to particular authors during the course: Recalcati, Lacan, Rogers, Ellis, Ammaniti, Matteo Lancini; Maura Manca.

the course intends to address issues relating to general and social pedagogy typical of the contemporary era, with particular reference to educational action, the parental role, childhood and adolescence, in consideration of the characteristics of today's virtual society.

The course involves the analysis of specific themes concerning general and social pedagogy; Specifically, the course is divided into specific sections:
- concept of education, with particular reference to the theories of Recalcati, Lacan and Roger and Lancini
- concept of emotional intelligence and the theories of Ellis, Gross and Goleman
- contemporary society and its characteristics: contemporary education, the evaporation of the father and the narcissistic society of Recalcati to the culture of post narcissism of Matteo Lancini.
-requirements and characteristics of the educational action and relationship and the current educational panorama,
- the minor: characteristics, rights, needs, child development; the abandoned, disadvantaged, adultized minor; the baby gang phenomenon
- developmental transitions from puberty to adolescence: characteristics, developmental tasks, adolescence in the virtual society; adolescent distress: deviance, bullying and cyberbullying, social withdrawal, para-suicidal behavior, self-aggression, DCA.
- addictions: the concept of addiction; substance addiction: alcohol and smart drugs; new addictions: internet addiction, game disorder, social media, egophony; behavioral addictions: hypersexuality, shopping, compulsive, emotional addiction

The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through lectures for a total of 20 hours, during which we will try to actively involve students through questions and reflective ideas of the teacher, thus giving students an active and dynamic role.
The method is consistent with the expected teaching results and with the pre-established objectives that envisage, beyond the implementation of knowledge, the activation of a circular and active communication and a capacity for reflection and metacognition.

All information and material necessary for the preparation for the exam are contained in the teacher's slides; to complete the educational material, some websites for reading articles and some reading texts (optional) indicated in the teaching material are indicated.
It is recommended: Matteo Lancini, “Il ritiro soacile negli adolescenti” Raffaello Cortina Editore