Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

No prerequisites are required, as the course provides elementary basics and does not require any previous knowledge in the field of snow science, but it is useful to have a basic knowledge of mathematics.

Final Examination: 

The objective of the final exam is to verify the level of achievement of the training objectives, assessing firstly the possession of the basic cognitive elements and then the student's ability to use them independently to solve real problems.
The examination will consist of a written test, based on a test on the organisation of winter alpine monitoring: logistics, evaluation of the participants' abilities. Through the use of topographic and thematic maps (historical avalanches, etc.), the student will have to demonstrate that he/she knows how to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the preparation of a sampling/monitoring activity in a winter environment, taking into account all the fundamental parameters indicated and presented in the course.
Assessment will take into account the student's expressive ability and use of correct terminology, taking into account the student's ability to link the various topics of the course, not as a mere answer to a specific question, but as a response to the overall context presented in the assessment test. Emphasis will therefore be placed on critical ability rather than theoretical knowledge of the topics.
The final examination will take place after the end of the practical activity with delivery by e-mail. The student will acquire the stipulated 2cfu after evaluation of the paper and possible corrections of the submitted text.

Voto Finale

The aim of the course is to provide the student with theoretical and practical knowledge of risk management in mountain winter environments, with the ultimate aim of planning scientific field activities.
The course also includes practical field activities to develop the student's ability to apply the acquired theoretical and methodological knowledge in practice.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will develop specific competences, including communication skills in relation to the exposition of the topics dealt with, the methods used and the results achieved, using appropriate language, the ability to develop a critical approach to the subject and to formulate an autonomous judgement on the main issues dealt with, developing their learning ability also through connections between the topics covered. The course also aims to improve scientific communication skills through a deeper knowledge of scientific language and individual learning and judgement skills.

The theoretical and practical knowledge of the course will be acquired through the following programme
Theoretical lectures:
Avalanches and risk management
Organisation and logistics of monitoring activities in mountain environments

Practical activities
Day 1: Logistics: use of maps. Comparison of weather forecasts and current weather, assessment of real avalanche risk
Day 2: snow profiles
Day 3: self-rescue techniques, search for missing persons, use of ARTVA

Theoretical and practical lessons
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through an interdisciplinary approach, and is divided into a series of outings on the territory (20h) combined with theoretical lessons in the classroom (12h) to familiarize the student with the problems of environmental analysis in the field. The practical experiences in the field will be in a winter mountain environment, paying particular attention to safety issues, the risks associated with handling in a winter environment.
The lessons in the field are essential for the achievement of practical recognition skills. These activities are mandatory and provided with the co-presence of Alpine Guides and expert mountain professionals.
For students with certified particular problems (disabilities, minor children, etc.) the study trip activities will be replaced by supplementary activities to be agreed individually according to the specific problems.
At the beginning of the lessons, at the request of the students, the teacher will provide clarifications and insights into the topics covered in the previous lessons. It will also be possible to ask for clarifications at any time during the lessons.
The lessons have slides as teaching support that can be used entirely on the University e-learning site, including additional video and explanatory material.
