Paleoanthropology and study of fossil finds: birth and history of discipline.
Paleoanthropology, from Sahelanthropus tchadensis to australopitecine: Analysis of fossil finds from the earliest find.
Paleoanthropology, australopitecine.
Paleoanthropology, Homo: Morphological analysis of the species.
Osteoarchaeology and physical anthropology: study of human remains (mummified, burned, skeletal). Methods for recovery and analysis of finds.
Anthropometry: metric measurement of the skeleton and calculation of bodily indices. Analysis of constitutional profiles.
Forensic Anthropology: identify anthropological investigations on remains of forensic field.
Paleopathology: Analysis and recognition of pathological markers on the ancient skeleton.
Paleoradiology: identification and pathological analysis through the use of diagnostic of Imaging, cases study.
Molecular anthropology: ancient DNA analysis.
The course consists of 24 hours of frontal lessons (3 credits) and presentation with Power Point slides.
The slides are available on e-learning
The professor receives students by appointment: