BIOTECNOLOGIE ALIMENTARI-modulo di Biochimica Alimentare

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOTECHNOLOGY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours), Laboratory (6 hours)

Written test (3 open questions) concerning the theoretical basis, and 1 open question on lab activity. The examination is successful if a score ≥ 9/16 is gained.

Voto Finale

Lecturers: Prof. Loredano Pollegioni, Dr. Elena Rosini
3 ECTS divided in two modules.
The Nutrition module (BIO/10) is organized in 8 hours of frontal lessons, which will address the following topics:
- The human diet: regulation of the feeding-fasting cycle;
- Vitamins and minerals;
- Pathological states;
- Particular functions of foods (antioxidants, alcoholic beverages, xenobiotics).
The Food Biochemistry module (BIO/10) is organized in 12 hours of lectures and 6 hours of laboratories. The lectures will deal with the following topics:
- structure and function relationships in food proteins and interactions with non-protein components;
- protected modifications of food proteins;
- protein allergens and bioactive components of protein origin;
- use of enzymes in the food industry (production processes, monitoring and quantitative analysis).
The two laboratory activities will address the determination of lactose in food and of acetaldehyde in wine.

These two modules will be dealt with lectures (2.5 ECTS) and practical laboratories (0.5 ECTS).
During the lectures, topics will be presented using slides in ppt that will be available in advance on the e-learning platform.
For laboratory activities (2 labs), students will be divided into small groups. After a general introduction on the objectives and practical protocols, students will organize and carry out the experimental activities under the supervision of the lecturer. Attendance to practical activities is mandatory.

Students can meet with the professors in their office by previous email appointment. The professors will respond only to e-mails from the domain @

Professors are available to receive groups of students after each lesson.