Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in CHEMICAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

General knowledge deriving from the chemistry, mathematics and physics teaching of the first year, as well as from the teaching of Analytical Chemistry I. Basic knowledge of the topics covered in the Instrumental Analytical Chemistry course is recommended.

Final Examination: 

Oral exam based on two sections:
1- An in-depth study of a topic chosen by the student (previously agreed with the Professor) developed on the basis of one or more scientific articles in international journals in the Analytical Chemistry field and relating to the development of “green” analytical methods. The oral presentation can be carried out using slides. At the end of the presentation a question will be asked to verify the in-depth knowledge on the topic presented.
2- Two short-answer questions on specific concepts acquired during the course.
The two sections have the same weight for the purposes of the final evaluation. For the first section, the organizational capacity in describing (or proposing) an analytical protocol and the in-depth knowledge of the topic presented will be assessed. For the second section, the absolute knowledge, and the scientific rigor in the presentation of the theoretical bases will be evaluated.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide theoretical and applied knowledge regarding the design and development of environmentally sustainable analytical procedures. Further aim is to present advanced analytical techniques and sample pretreatment methods.

The course aims to offer an overview of the main approaches used to make existing analytical methods “greener” or to develop new analytical methods with reduced environmental impact. In detail, the course will deal with the following topics:

- Introduction to the concept of Green Chemistry & Green Analytical Chemistry: history, evolution and the 12 principles (6 hours)
- Direct spectroscopic/spectrometric methods (8 hours)
- Sample preparation: alternative solvents and extraction methods (12 hours)
- Flow analysis and chromatographic methods (8 hours)
- Sensors as green tools (4 hours)
- Smart Materials in sample treatment and analytical determinations (4 hours)
- Evaluation of the "green" of an analytical protocol with examples (6 hours)

The module will be taught during 48 h of lectures.

Office hours by e-mail appointment:
