A general knowledge of fundamental philosophical-political issues; and a general knowledge of modern and contemporary history.
Learning will be tested by an oral test on the topics covered in the course, which will be designed to assess the candidates' ability 1) to express themselves lexically correctly, 2) to expound complex concepts correctly, and 3) to develop an appropriate critique of the topics under consideration.
The course aims to develop some knowledge related to democratic political culture. In particular, the characteristics and foundations of political democratic power in the major authors of modern and contemporary times will be discussed. Students and students will thus acquire skills in interpreting critically and from a historical perspective 1) the philosophical foundations of democratici political power, 2) the way democratic political systems function, and 3) ethical issues related to political power.
The course is developed along three teaching and training lines:
1) A general definition of the term democracy.
2) An examination of the main authors who have addressed the topic of democracy from the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. In particular, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, Kelsen. Extensive excerpts from works by Rousseau, Tocqueville and Kelsen will be read and commented on.
3) A detailed analysis of democratic history in twentieth-century Europe and the latest developments related to the processes of globalization.
J.W. Muller, L'enigma democrazia, Einaudi, 2012.
J.J. Rousseau, Il contratto sociale, Feltrinelli, 2018 (Libro II).
A. de Tocqueville, La democrazia in America, Libro II, capitolo 7.
H. Kelsen, La democrazia, Il Mulino, 1995.
Per quanti non frequentino il corso sarà utile lo studio anche dei capitoli su Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, kelsen in R. Gherardi (a cura di) La politica e gli Stati, Carocci, varie edizioni.
In some parts, the lecturer will explain the authors' thinking. In other parts, he will read the texts and comment on them. It will also be possible to plan student-led lessons under the guidance of the lecturer.