Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

To take the final exam in General Pathology and Physiopathology, it is necessary, on the basis of the propaedeutics provided for by the teaching regulations, to have previously passed the exams in Biology and Genetics and Physiology. Notions of Human Anatomy, Microbiology, Immunology, Chemistry and Biochemistry are also required.

The General Pathology and Physiopathology exams are held on different dates to allow students to organize the study of two such substantial subjects. The final grade will be given by the average of the grades obtained in the individual courses and will be recorded in specific sessions scheduled on ESSE3: recording sessions.
The exam of General Pathology will consist of an oral exam, two questions, in which the student will be asked to demonstrate the knowledge about the program he is doing. The purpose of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the training objectives stated previously. The exam results will be in thirty points, and to pass the exam, the student must score at least 18 (eighteen).

The exam of Pathophisiology consists of a written test of 34 multiple choice questions to be solved in 45 minutes and an oral interview to which a maximum of two points will be added to the mark obtained with the written test. Only students who pass the written test will be able to access the oral interview. The questions will be related to the course content and will be structured in: acquisition and understanding of knowledge (45%) and application of the acquired knowledge (35%), making judgments (10%) and learning skills (10%). For the evaluation of the test, each correct answer will be worth one point and no points will be deducted for incorrect answers. Note that all answers to the question must be correct, i.e. if a question has two correct answers and only one is answered, that question will be null.
One point will be awarded to students who have participated in the journal club.
To pass the written test, the student must obtain a score of 18/30.
At the request of the students, the tests will be made available for one week from the exam date and then definitively archived.

Voto Finale

General Pathology is a multidisciplinary science of medicine that studies the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases and in particular the reactivity of the organism and in cases where such reactivity is not adequate or insufficient, the mechanisms that determine the persistence of the pathological condition.
The course therefore aims to provide knowledge of the causes and mechanisms of the diseases and the alterations that derive from them at a tissue, cellular and molecular level.
This course represents a fundamental teaching for Medicine and Surgery as it provides a set of knowledge that connects the biological and clinical-surgical disciplines.

At the end of the course, the student must demonstrate that he knows:
1) explain the functioning of cellular responses to stress and pathological stimuli; cellular adaptations to stress; of necrosis; apoptosis; of autophagy and cellular aging;
2) describe the different cellular and tissue mechanisms implemented during acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, tissue repair, cell regeneration and angiogenesis;
3) know how to illustrate and explain the various pathologies of the immune system: hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmunity, immunodeficiencies, and also some zoonoses, coronavirus and Covid-19 infection, amyloidosis and spongiform encephalopathies;
4) critically discussing the characteristics of benign and malignant tumors; of the metastatic process; carcinogenesis and the molecular basis of cancer;
5) explain the clinical and molecular aspects of neoplasms; of the host's defenses against tumors: anti-tumor immunity or immunosurveillance; the main mechanisms of tumor evasion from immune recognition; possible biological therapies against cancer;
6) to argue functional aspects of the dynamics of genetic diseases and of the genetic alterations that cause human diseases; mutations; and epigenetic changes;
7) know how to illustrate and explain some issues of environmental and nutritional pathologies: such as the effects of climate change on health; the toxicity of chemical and physical agents; the effects of tobacco, alcohol; vitamin deficiency; and the correlations between diet and systemic diseases; and between diet and cancer.

The course in physiopathology the students learn the basic principles of and the mechanisms of systemic and organ physiopathology. This course focuses on the pathophysiology of common disease conditions affecting human beings across the lifespan. Pathophysiology is a course that builds on basic medical science (anatomy, physiology, microbiology and chemistry) obtained from earlier courses which will lead the student to clinical medicine. It enables the medical students and clinicians to understand how and why diseases develop and various symptoms occur, clinical manifestations appear, what the underlying mechanisms are and how to choose proper therapeutics. At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the pathophysiologic bases of common human health alterations and associated clinical manifestations and elucidate the pathophysiological principles underlying the pathogenesis and therefore treatment of the disease.

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Refer to the content of the single course


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