- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no prerequisites
Only the final oral examination is planned in which the following will be assessed:
- the ability to adequately understand the reading of a text;
- the adequate knowledge of the examination texts;
- the ability to know how to develop one's own independent critical reflection.
During the oral interview, it is planned to ascertain the acquisition and proper understanding of the contents of the compulsory texts, which are to be studied in their entirety. At least two specific questions will be formulated on the contents of the examination texts, which will concern an assessment of the ability of interdisciplinary critical analysis and autonomous judgment.
In addition, knowledge of the topics covered in the books of choice will be required (at least one question).
The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers (70 percent), as well as the communicative ability shown during the interview (10 percent) and the ability to adequately substantiate statements, analyses and judgments (20 percent).
The course aims at defining and analyzing philosophical historiography with an integrated, historical, philosophical and narrative approach to contemporaneity, capable of addressing, with adequate critical capacity, philosophical issues. For this reason, the course aims to provide the main methodological tools useful for understanding the specific cultural context of the 20th century, fostering a plurality of hermeneutic approaches that, especially in the contemporary age, have distinguished philosophical reflection in historiography. Special attention will be paid to the critical analysis of the texts with the aim of grasping their essential lines, as well as the development of the different conceptual forms and the explication of the different categories and the examination of the language used by the Author taken into consideration
Through a direct relationship with the sources (in all its formats), a critical understanding of the texts taken into consideration is fostered in the learner, favoring an in-depth historical and conceptual study in comparative and interdisciplinary form as a tool for the conceptual understanding of the qualifying changes in the contemporary world. This fosters a hermeneutic approach capable of adopting forms of analysis and critical skills specific to contemporary philosophical historiographical reflection
Learning outcomes include
- knowledge of the conceptual notion of scientific philosophy
- ability to be able to critically read a text, placing it within its precise theoretical context
- ability to know how to explicate the different traditions of thought present within a given theoretical and historiographical proposal
- ability to be able to grasp the open problems of the texts studied
- ability to be able to independently apply the acquired knowledge in order to initiate one's own and autonomous critical reflection on the open problems of contemporaneity
The course will deal with the different interpretations of the thought and work of Galileo Galilei, the acknowledged father of modern science. The hermeneutic reference text will be Minazzi's Le ragioni di Galileo while the classic will be represented by Galileo's Il Saggiatore. The relationship between history and historiography, the role and function of "contemporaneity"; conceptual traditions and their critical and hermeneutic role; continuity and discontinuity in the history of philosophical and scientific thought; science and history; historical-evolutionary epistemology and its importance; the role of reason as a privileged instrument for constructing critical reflection will therefore be considered in this perspective.
Testi di riferimento
Testo fondamentale di riferimento:
- Galileo Galilei, Il saggiatore, qualunque edizione
Un testo a scelta
- Andrea Battistini, Introduzione a Galilei, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 1989, ISBN: 9788842034179
- Massimo Bucciantini, Siamo tutti galileiani, Einaudi, Torino 2023, ISBN: 9788806042837
- Fabio Minazzi, Le ragioni di Galileo. Scienza, tecnica ed epistemologia, Franco Angeli, Milano 2023, ISBN: 978-88-351-4922-4
Un libro a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Fabio Minazzi L’epistemologia storico-evolutiva e il neo-realismo logico, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze 2021.
- Ludovico Geymonat, Galileo Galilei, Einaudi, Torino 1969 (poi più volte riedito e ristampato) ISBN: 9788806042837
- Evandro Agazzi, L’oggettività scientifica e i suoi contesti; Bompiani, Milano 2018, ISBN: 978-88-452-9872-1
- Evandro Agazzi, La scienza e l’anima dell’Occidente, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2024
- Antonio Banfi, Galileo Galilei, il Saggiatore, Milano 1961
- Alexandre Koyré, Dal mondo del pressappoco all’universo della precisione, Einaudi, Torino 2000, ISBN: 9788806157913
- Paul Karl Feyerabend, Contro il metodo. Abbozzo di una teoria anarchica della consocenza, Feltrinelli, Milano 2024, ISBN: 9788807105777
- Fabio Minazzi, Galileo “filosofo geometra”, Rusconi, Milano 1994
- Guido Morpurgo Tagliabue, I processi di Galileo e l’epistemologia, Armando Editore, Roma 1981
- Pietro Redondi, Galileo eretico, Editori Laterza. Roma-Bari 2009, ISBN: 9788842090021
- Paolo Rossi Monti, La nascita della scienza moderna in Europa, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2000, ISBN: 9788842061205
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through the mode of face-to-face lectures (totaling 48 hours) involving analytical and collective discussion of the texts taken in direct reference.
There will also be interdisciplinary seminars in "crossover" mode (i.e., with the presence of other faculty members from the graduate program or outside guests) in which some topics covered in class will be explored in depth through different keys.