The PHARMACOLOGY teaching is structured in 8 lessons for a total of 16 hours concerning:
- Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic references;
The mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic indications, adverse effects, consequences on physical exercise and interactions of the following drug classes:
-Pharmacology of the ANS (regulation of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system)
- Drugs active in the cardiovascular system
-Active drugs in the respiratory system
-Antiinflammatory drugs:NSAIDs and corticosteroids
- Active drugs at the level of the central nervous system (opioid analgesics and hypnotic sedatives)
Frontal lessons.
Classroom activities include the projection of ppt files set with images and diagrams. During the lesson, examples of the clinical use of drugs and their consequences on physical exercise and the practice of sport will be presented. Topical issues concerning the various topics covered will be addressed. Students will be invited to interact with questions and curiosities.
The teacher receives students for further information and clarifications by appointment by writing to the email address cristina.giaroni@uninsubria.it