There are no prerequisites.
The exam consists of an oral test aimed at ascertaining the ability to argue and deepen the program addressed in class. In particular:
• richness / articulation of the contents displayed
• conceptual correctness
• terminological correctness
• ability to synthesize
• theory / practice links
• personal re-elaboration of the contents
The course aims to offer students a basic knowledge of the main issues addressed by Developmental Psychology. In particular, historical notes on the most accredited theories will be presented and their evolution analyzed in the main currents of study of human development. Some psychological functions of development will be explored: cognitive, emotional, social. In content development, the emphasis will always be placed on the aspects of relationship and interaction between the individual and his / her growth contexts.
1 Dublin descriptor: knowledge and understanding
Basic knowledge of the main theories, the results of the most recent studies and researches of developmental psychology.
Understanding of human development in the life cycle
2 Dublin Descriptor: Applied knowledge and understanding
Understanding of the mechanisms of cognitive, affective and socio-emotional development in the life cycle
Ability to link theoretical aspects and practical applications
3 Dublin descriptor: independent judgment
Aptitude to use the knowledge acquired to connect the different themes dealt with knowing how to discriminate between typical and atypical development
Attitude to interpret individual needs in psychological terms
4 Dublin Descriptor: communication Skills
Ability to describe the topics addressed clearly and using the appropriate specific scientific language
5 Dublin descriptor: ability to learn
Ability to apply the theoretical and methodological principles of developmental psychology to real situations, in order to better understand some related psycho-social problems
Introduction to developmental psychology (theoretical assumptions, objectives, current trends);
Motor development
Perceptual development
Cognitive development
Information processing approach: attention, memory, thought, metacognition
Socio-emotional development
The theory of attachment
Aging of the person: more frequent problems.
Lectures, discussions and reflections, videos. The slides of the lessons are made available on the e-learning site of the course.
Prof. Paolo Arru is available for the students through appointment set through e-mail address: