Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Physiotherapy
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (22 hours)


The exam will consist of a multiple-question written test on the course main topics, to demonstrate students' knowledge. The grade obtained will be averaged with the other module grades.

Voto Finale

To provide basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology knowledge with regard to both central and peripheral nervous system.
Knowledge of neural functions and neurobiological and basis of the nervous system diseases . Methodological and technological aspects useful to the study of the nervous system, as well as its functioning in normal and pathological conditions, will be discussed.
Expected learning outcomes at the end of the teaching:
- Knowledge of nervous system general morphology; its connections and models of functioning.
- Main neurological clinical aspects and their possible rehabilitation perspectives, to both central and peripheral nervous system.

Principles of nervous system pathophysiology and anatomic-functional correlations. Classification of the main neurological diseases.
Neurobiological aspects and investigation techniques of the main nervous system diseases.

Basics of neuroanatomy and neurophysiopathology of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Main neurological syndromes. Risk factors, genetics, innovative methods of investigation and therapeutic strategies for the most important neurological diseases: neurodegenerative processes affecting the cognitive and movement systems (dementias, extrapyramidal syndromes, motor neuron diseases), demyelinating diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, cerebrovascular diseases, headaches, epilepsy, peripheral nervous system diseases

The teaching activity includes frontal lessons, carried out with the help of Power Point presentations (slides in Italian and English).

Upon request by e-mail