Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no constraining prerequisites for this integrated course.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biology and Genetics modules, carried out in the first semester, do not require specific prior knowledge, but some basic notions of mathematics, including equivalences, proportions, powers and logarithms. The general pharmacology module requires a basic knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry, learned in the previous modules, and of anatomy and physiology carried out in the corresponding courses during the first year.

Final Examination: 

The Chemistry and Biochemistry part consists of a written test consisting of open questions of progressive difficulty, aiming at ascertaining the general knowledge on the contents and basic information of the subject according to a criterion of essentiality and, above all, the ability to discuss them critically. For this reason, during the test students will be allowed to consult texts and teaching material used for the preparation. Answers are meant to be concise, targeted and precise, and at the same time exhaustive. For this reason, the time available for the test is 45 minutes. The evaluation of the elaborate will report only errors, deficiencies and incompleteness. The correct formulation of the answers will be collectively presented, after allowing each student to visualize her/his own corrected test.
When two exams are planned within one session, it is advisable to sign up only in one of them. In fact, in case of serious insufficiency in the Chemistry and Biochemistry test sustained in the first exam, the outcome in the subsequent exam of the same session, especially if dates are close, is very frequently negative.

For the general BIOLOGY module, the test consists of a written exam with 10 open questions. For the evaluation, the answer can be worth from a minimum of -3 points to a maximum of 3 points. The exam is written, but any oral integration can take place on the basis of the evaluation of the paper by the teacher.
At the request of the students, the elaborated will be available to students for one week from the exam date and then permanently archived

The PHARMACOLOGY exam consists of a true false exam consisting in 27 statements regarding the different topics covered. The test also includes a written elaborate of a topic covered during the course.
For the evaluation, each correct statement of the “true or false” test will be worth one point and no points will be deducted for incorrect answers. The open question can be worth from a minimum of -3 points to a maximum of 3 points
To have a sufficient evaluation (18), the sum between the mark obtained in the "true or false" test and that obtained in the open question must be 18/30. The exam is written, but any oral integration can take place on the basis of the evaluation of the test or at the request of the students.
At the request of the students, the papers will be available to students for one week from the exam date and then permanently archived.
The exam of the integrated course includes a partial examination consisting of Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry and a final examination of Pharmacology:
- the final grade is unique, and represents an average of the average grade obtained in the partial examination with the final examination;
- a positive grade in the partial examination is a required condition to access the final Pharmacology examination
- insufficiency in one discipline compromises the outcome

Voto Finale

The integrated course aims to transmit the logic, language, and conceptual foundations to future healthcare professionals to be able to orient themselves with confidence in scientific reasoning, rejecting with conviction, in the context of one's professional activity, forms of ideological or magical thought. Specifically, the course aims to provide the student with the knowledge to understand biological phenomena at the cellular and tissue level, the interaction between organism and drugs in normal and pathological conditions, and the possible therapeutic implications.
The module consists of the following modules:
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- General biology
- General pharmacology

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. know the chemical basis of the structure of living matter and understand its interactions in the physiological environment;
2. discuss the energy and kinetic requirements of biological reactions
3. know the function of the main classes of biomolecules, in particular their metabolism in physiological and pathological conditions and the structure / function relationship of nucleic acids
4. distinguish mitotic and meiotic phases and apply the genetic basis of heredity to family trees.
5. Discuss the regulation of energy metabolism at the cellular and systemic level and the nutritional properties of the main food classes.
6. know the general principles underlying the interaction between the human body and drugs and their mechanism of action
7. set a correct dosage
8. assess the risk related to the use of drugs in relation to various factors (route of administration, adverse effects, drug intolerance, drug interactions
9. manage, store and use medicines in the hospital setting.
10. Illustrate the main laws regarding the production and use of drugs
11. Discuss preclinical and clinical study phases for drug discovery

