1. The professionalization process of Italian nurses: the reading keys and some points of reference.
2. The research process and literature review.
3. Which are the elements that represent the nursing discipline
4. The concepts of Discipline: man, health, environment and nursing care
5. An Italian theoretical model: the Model of nursing care (MPI) and the requirements according to the MPI.
6. Analytical, systemic and holistic approach to nursing care: "state of the art" in Italy and abroad.
7. The method of nursing care.
8. The tools of nursing care
8.1 Communication for the nurse
8.2 The observation for the nurse
8.3 The reports, the colloquy and / or the interview
9. The nursing documentation
10. Professional culture today
11. The main work areas of the nurse
12. Ethics and deontology in the nursing profession
13. Hospital safety
-Interactive frontal lesson - Group and individual activities / exercises
with discussion in plenary
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