Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)
Voto Finale

General Concepts:
- clinical psychology and nursing;
psychological aspects of the nurse-patient relationship; the sick person and the disease:
health, illness and quality of life; factors influencing adjustment to illness; psychological reactions to illness; patient needs;
death, dying and grief; illness and family: the impact of illness and death on the family.
Particular situations of clinical care: reactions to hospitalization in intensive care; the demoralization syndrome.
Psychological interventions: psychological support, counseling and main methods of psychotherapy.

1.General Concepts:
- clinical psychology and nursing; Clinical Psychology: definition of the concept, orientations and methods.
2. Psychological aspects of the nurse-patient relationship.
3. The sick person and the disease:
- health, illness and quality of life;
- psychological reactions to illness and process of adjustment to illness;
4. Patient needs.
5. Factors influencing adjustment to illness.
6. Death, dying and grief.Illness and family:
7. The impact of illness and death on the family;
- the role of family in adjustment to illness.
8. Particular situations of clinical care: reactions to hospitalization in intensive care; the demoralization syndrome.
9. Psychological interventions: psychological support, counseling and main methods of psychotherapy (e.g. brief psychodynamic psychotherapy; cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; EMDR; group therapies; integrative therapies).

Frontal and interactive lessons.
Frontal lessons are supported by slides to facilitate synthesis and attention. During classroom discussions, students are encouraged to interact with teacher with questions and curiosities.
There are also presented,as examples, cases from the clinical practice.

The teacher is available by appointment
