Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (60 hours)

The student must have passed all the exams and qualifications required for the previous year. To take the final exam in Clinical Nursing and Health Education, there are no prerequisites but to understand the topics covered in the course, knowledge of General Nursing 1 and Nursing Methodology 1is required.

The final exam consists of a written test whose passing will allow access to the oral exam. The final grade will be formulated from the average of the written test plus the oral exam.

Voto Finale

Within Course of Studies in Nursing, objective of this teaching is to make the student acquire the professional skills of a general nursing nurse with particular reference to the development of the ability to use the international language ICNP® (International Classification of Nursing Practice) having as a reference the Human Processes Care Model (MAPU, 2018), methods and tools of Nursing Sciences to promote health and well-being, prevent disease, promote the healing process and alleviate suffering towards people, families and the community.

Clinical reasoning in the nursing care process. The phases of the nursing care process guided by MAPU (2018) and the international language ICNP®. The care risk and the altered functionality. Deepening of some of the most frequent nursing diagnoses in the population: risk of infection, fever, dehydration, edema, alteration of gas exchange, alteration of nutritional status, negative emotions. The characteristics of information to plan nursing care, to protect privacy, to ensure safety and continuity of care (in-depth study of laws and regulations; SBAR, use of technology, services available). The importance of EBP for nursing practice. Guidelines, PDTAs, procedures and protocols: features and their use. Recall to the meaning of professional responsibility in planning and providing assistance. Deontological aspects in care planning: the concepts of accountability, advocacy, caring and cooperation.

The module will develop through lectures managed synchronously in TEAMS; during the lessons the teacher will make use of the slide show in order to simplify and synthesize the contents. Before each lesson, the teacher, through the e-learning platform, provides students with scientific material (articles, guidelines and best practices) to carry out group work and / or to deepen the contents of the course and lead the discussion. At the end of the group work, the exhibition and delivery of the material produced will be requested.
If the teaching conditions allow it, the teacher will make use of active teaching methods such as role play and simulations.

The teacher of the course is always available for tutoring activities, upon request for an appointment via e-mail at
