Basic knowledge of immunology and hematology. Specific skills in analysis of biological specimens and general laboratory techniques.
Assessment of learning will be conducted exclusively through a final exam, which will be held in an oral format.
The objectives of this teaching are:
- provide students with the skills necessary to perform blood sample analysis in immunohematology and transfusion,
- help to prepare biomedical laboratory technicians capable of professionally and accurately managing diagnostic procedures to ensure transfusion safety;
- raise awareness of the vein-to-vein pathway (from blood donor to transfused patient) to ensure the highest quality of blood components.
History of Transfusion Medicine - Laws - Regulations
Principles of immunohematology, blood grouping, direct and indirect Coombs test, pretransfusional compatibility testing
Main indications for transfusion of plasma derivatives, preparation of blood components, collection and transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells
Main transfusion risks of infectious nature, their recognition and ways of prevention
Prevention of immunohematologic transfusion risks, transfusion reactions, main indications for transfusion
Alternatives to transfusion and main indications for blood component transfusion
The course will be conducted through interactive lectures, enriched with PowerPoint presentations featuring images and illustrative slides.