Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in Hospitality for sustainable tourism development
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

The course doesn't require previous knowledge on the topics covered.

Final Examination: 

As textbooks do not cover specifically the overall content of the course, the exam will take place on selected materials provided by the professors. All learning materials will be available and published on the e-learning platform.


Voto Finale


The course on “Public Law for Sustainable Cultural Tourism“ is part of the “Sustainable Hospitality Management (SHM) Curriculum”, a curriculum aiming at preparing qualified experts in hospitality management involving both private and public operators engaged in the development of a tourist destination. The Curriculum provides students with the managerial tools required by companies operating in the hospitality industry, empowering them with advanced knowledge in: destination management and marketing, communication, economics and law, sustainability, project management.
Within the SHM Curriculum, the course on “Public Law for Sustainable Cultural Tourism” allows students to develop a clear picture of the legal aspects and of the rules and programs governing the relations between public and private entities in the tourism sector in planning and management of tourism systems. Students will be able to explore the rules governing various cultures in the tourism practice, taking into consideration also a fundamental rights approach.
The overall goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the law in general and to raise awareness and general knowledge in the field of tourism law at international, supranational and national levels (taking into consideration also the regional and municipal legal systems). In particular, the course intends to provide advanced technical and operational skills required for the use and exploitation of natural resources within the limits of environmental protection rules and the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and economy in the field of tourism. In other words, the course aims to prepare professionals with management capabilities in the field of tourism for using limited resources in compliance with Law and applicable principles. The course will also provide a critical analysis of the impact of Covid-19 pandemia on the tourism sector.
On completion of the course, students are expected to be prepared on understanding current regulations and tourism dynamics approach troubleshooting. The study of the relationships between the various public and private subjects in the tourism sector allows us to understand how to encourage collaboration policies and mitigate conflict situations. Understanding the roles that the various parties play in the design of the tourist offer allows to develop a collaborative approach in the field of integrated tourism offer. Finally, the knowledge of rules that the various subjects involved in tourism planning must comply with – even in virtual contexts – is essential for their better management. Specifically, students will be able to guide the companies of the territory towards innovative management dynamics. In addition, knowledge of the rules governing the various culture in the tourism practice allows students to develop specialized skills in hosting an international tourism and new market niches.


The course is articulated into two Sections.

The First Section of the course (with prof. Giulia Tiberi) is devoted to the concepts of sustainable cultural tourism and to reconstruct the evolution of tourism institutions and policies - an immense historical, artistic and cultural heritage that places Italy at the top of numerous international rankings - starting from the rules and programs of international and European law, and then moving on to the Italian constitutional system of advanced regionalism. Sources, skills and organizational profiles are intertwined and influenced in a system of continuous interdependencies, in which public and private subjects of the European and national systems operate, at the same time gradually strengthening the protection of the traveler / tourist. In this section also the role of private entities is considered (i.e. bank foundations, Third Sector associations and entities) for their important cooperation with public authorities in designing, planning, funding and managing projects of sustainable cultural tourism.

The second Section of the course (with prof. Luigi Testa) consists in two parts. The first one is devoted to human rights issues associated with tourism development and tourism businesses. Afther establishing a theoretical background, a multi-disciplinary analysis of a range of selected human rights issues in tourism will be provided, including case studies to showcase specific legal rulings or tourism policies/regulations. The second part instead deals with opportunities for a sustainable tourism in the Italian post Covid-19 scenario, specifically with regart to what the national Recovery Plan provides.


The course is articulated into two Sections.

The First Section of the course (with prof. Giulia Tiberi) is devoted to the concepts of sustainable cultural tourism and to reconstruct the evolution of tourism institutions and policies - an immense historical, artistic and cultural heritage that places Italy at the top of numerous international rankings - starting from the rules and programs of international and European law, and then moving on to the Italian constitutional system of advanced regionalism. Sources, skills and organizational profiles are intertwined and influenced in a system of continuous interdependencies, in which public and private subjects of the European and national systems operate, at the same time gradually strengthening the protection of the traveler / tourist. In this section also the role of private entities is considered (i.e. bank foundations, Third Sector associations and entities) for their important cooperation with public authorities in designing, planning, funding and managing projects of sustainable cultural tourism.

1. Introduction – What’is in a word: “sustainable cultural tourism”
2. Tourism and environment. Tourism and culture.
3. Building a more resilient, sustainable cultural tourism: the role of public institutions.
4. Tourism and cultural heritage governance in multilevel perspective (institutions, competences, sources of law, programs relevant for sustainalble cultural tourism):
a) In the global context:
- The 2030 UN Agenda on Sustainable Development;
- The Italian Cooperation and the Sustainable Cultural Tourism as an opportunity for local development within the 2030 UN Agenda on Sustainable Development: analysis of cases.
b) in the Council of Europe: the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme (with analysis of cases).
c) in the EU legal order: competences, rules, programmes and funds on tourism and culture.
d) in the Italian costitutional. national, regional, local levels.
5. A focus: sustainable cultural tourism in the Lombardy Region and in the area of Como/Varese.
6. Case study: the role of bank foundations for sustainable cultural tourism (the case of Cariplo Foundation).
7. Sustainable cultural tourism though the prysm of the principle of “horizontal subsidiarity”: the role of Third Sector entities in tourism and culture sectors according to the Code on Third Sector.
Case studies on sustainable cultural tourism succesfull projects developed by public institutions with Third Sector entities.
8. Case-study: integrating women’s needs and concerns into tourism policy (the public sector has a responsibility to integrate gender equality and women’s economic empowerment into its work, in line with commitments made by governments to the Sustainable Development Goals (specifically Goal 5– Gender equality and empower all women and girls), international women’s rights treaties such as the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), relevant ILO Conventions such as C183 – Maternity Protection Convention, 2000,and C190 – Violence and Harassment Convention and other national and regional policies and agreements.
Further topics will be discussed and examined during the lectures in collaboration with the participants.
The second Section of the course (with prof. Luigi Testa) consists in two parts. The first one is devoted to human rights issues associated with tourism development and tourism businesses. Afther establishing a theoretical background, a multi-disciplinary analysis of a range of selected human rights issues in tourism will be provided, including case studies to showcase specific legal rulings or tourism policies/regulations. The second part instead deals with opportunities for a sustainable tourism in the Italian post Covid-19 scenario, specifically with regart to what the national Recovery Plan provides.
Main topics:


Teaching methods are academic lessons taught in English, promoting dialogue and debate with students. The texts will be indicated in class, published on the e-learning platform for prior reading and subsequent discussion in class.
The oral frontal lectures will be supported by PowerPoint presentations (PPT) and videos, made available on the e-learning platform. However, emphasis will be put on the Q&A section at the end of each lecture, when it is to be hoped that a collegial dialogue and debate will develop.
Plus the course shall focus on the analysis of case studies.
Lectures with experts shall be planned in order to give immediate confirmation of the practical relevance of the course contents.
Other teaching methods used: roundtables, flipped classroom, project work.

OFFICE HOURS: At the end of each lesson or by appointment to request by sending an email at the address (for the first section of the course) or at the address (for the second section of the course) to fix an appointment.