Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities

For the purpose of passing the test it is necessary to get basic knowledge of Mathematics, which is normally acquired in upper secondary school education.

Final Examination: 

The test, that will take place on the e-learning platform, lasts 40 minutes and contains 18 multiple choice questions.
Each question is evaluated 1 point, if the answer is correct, 0 points if wrong or missed. The test is passed if the student correctly answers at least 9 questions (50% of the total).
The test can be taken in the first session (November 2022) and, if necessary, repeated in the following sessions.
In the case that the test is not passed (i.e., the number of correct answers is less than 9), the student is assigned an Additional Educational Obligation (OFA). To fulfill the OFA, the student:
must repeat and pass the test in one of the following sessions
can use one of the other modes indicated in the dedicated web page (

Voto Finale

The initial assessment verification test of the initial preparation is aimed to evaluated basic knowledge in Mathematics.
As known, the courses scheduled in the first year of the bachelor’s degree in “Economics and Management of Innovation and Sustainability” part-time mode (CLEMIS PT) do not require pre-knowledge for attendance and contents’ acquisition. However, a good initial preparation in Mathematics and in using quantitative tools can facilitate a more active courses’ participation (mainly in Mathematics I and II and Microeconomics), and a more effective development of the whole academic career as well.

The test contains questions on the following topics:
Algebraic calculus: polynomial decomposition, factoring polynomial, product between algebraic expressions;
Equations: first- and second-degree equations, fractional equations, solutions of the equations of degree higher than the second by polynomial decomposition;
Inequalities: first- and second-degree inequalities, fractional equations, solutions of the inequalities of degree higher than the second by polynomial decomposition;
Analytical geometry: Cartesian coordinates, line equation, parabola (with vertical axis), equilateral hyperbola with parallel axes to cartesian axes; circumference (with center in the origin). Intersection problems between curves in the Cartesian plane.



All students are invited to attend lessons and tutorials/supplementary teaching of Mathematics I.

For further details, please refer to the dedicated web page ( Please refer to the file “Instructions/Vademecum” [it], that can be downloaded at the same link.
