- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Provide appropriate knowledge of the main cardiovascular diseases (including diagnostic work-up)
Presentation of the main physiopathological aspects of the respiratory diseases, with relative general semeiotics, respiratory function tests, radiological examinations, fiberoptic bronchoscopy where applicable.
The following topics will be covered:
•Physiological basis of respiration: how respiratory system works and basis of respiratory mechanics
•Semiotics of respiratory system
• Principles respiratory function tests:
Spirometry, plethysmography, diffusion capacity, test of bronchodilatation, test of bronchoprovocation with methacholine, arterial blood gas analysis, six-minute walking test
•Respiratory Failure:
classification (chronic, and acute, hypoxic and hypercapnic) causes and treatment
Slides (Power Point) with frontal lessons.
With flow-chart, practical cases and case reports, student will learn different pathologies and different approaches.
A multiple question test (Socrative) will be used to make a focus and facilitate the discussion.
During the lessons students could make questions or suggestions
Professor Carlucci is available for questions about topics of lesson or other didactical issues (email contact: