Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Private law

Final Examination: 

The method of assessment consists of an oral examination, with
attribution of the final mark out of thirty, alleging the whole program.
For Erasmus students, English materials will be provided. In these cases,
the exam can be performed either in Italian or in English.
The examination consists of an interview, in order to verify the
acquisition and correct understanding of the program, included (for
students attending the course) loaded materials on e-learning platform.
The final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the
responses, as well as the student's ability to adequately justify its
assertions and analysis.
Will be assessed in particular the capacity:
a) to report the contents of the program as appropriate to the specific
nature of matter and logical-systematic canons;
b) to make connections, also interdisciplinary, between different aspects
of the discipline;
c) to answer questions and argue critical opinions using technical
language appropriately.
In the middle of the course, Professor evaluates the opportunity to make
an intermediate (oral or written) test to check the level of understanding
of students on the topics explained and direct them to the proper method
of study if the outcome of the test signal gaps or learning difficulties.

Voto Finale

The course covers the examination, understanding and deepening of the
fundamental principles governing the industrial and intellectual property
system, as well as of unfair competition and antitrust law, taking into
account both national and European regulations.
At the end of the course, the student will have to show an adequate level
of understanding and knowledge of the institutes characterizing the
subjects being studied and the related disciplines, as well as being able
to rework the concepts learned
The course aims to promote in the student the acquisition of an
appropriate legal language, a correct method of exposition, also
developing appropriate skills and critical argumentation, through the
solution of questions and case studies. In this perspective, students are
required to analyze materials available on the e-learning platform

- Unfair competition
- Trademark and others distinctive signs
- Models
- Antitrust law

a) Introduction to the notion of intellectual and industrial property.
b) Unfair competition, cases, sanctions.
c) The distinctive signs:
- the trademark (validity requirements, purchase, infringement,
protection of the right and related events).
- notes on the cd community and international level.
- the unregistered trademark.
- The company and other distinctive signs.
d) Utility models, designs and models
e) Antitrust Law: Objectives, discipline and sanctions.


The course takes place in the second semester through a total of 35
hours of lessons.
Teaching includes:
- mainly theoretical lessons, aimed at illustrating principles and
institutions of industrial law;
- discussions of jurisprudential cases, in order to facilitate the
understanding of the theoretical lessons and solicit the development of
critical arguments by the course participants;
- seminars on particular profiles or issues of industrial law.
The materials cited in class or submitted to students from time to time to
develop their interpretative and argumentative skills are uploaded to the
e-learning platform.

Professor meets students for answer questions or give informations about
the program of course before the lesson. She is also available to agree an
appointment on a different day sending an e-mail previously.
