Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (35 hours)

In-depth knowledge of the main institutes of private law and basic commercial law. The
passing the basic commercial law exam is preparatory to the possibility
to take the advanced commercial law exam. However, it is possible to attend the course
progressed despite not having yet passed the basic commercial law exam.

Final Examination: 

The exam will take place in written form and will be divided into two parts:
- n. 15 multiple choice questions on listed company law (lesson notes for i
attending students and text by Cera - see infra - for non-attending students);
- n. 3 "open" questions, to which the student will have to answer with a short written dissertation,
on the monographic part and - for those attending - on the jurisprudential cases covered in class.
Each of the closed questions will be given a score of two, for a total of 30 points. TO
each of the "open" questions will be given a score from 0 to 30, the three votes obtained will be
The final grade, assigned out of thirty, is obtained from the average of the grade assigned to each of the two
parts that make up the test. Nonetheless, to pass the exam the candidate must be at least
sufficient in both parts; otherwise he will have to repeat the test in its entirety starting
from the next appeal.
For students who have presented a jurisprudential case in class, the evaluation of the
their exposure will count 30% of the final grade. The duration of the exam is 75 minutes.
The test is aimed at verifying the acquisition and correct understanding of the material
proposed teaching.
The vote will take into account the student's ability to correctly answer the questions asked,
demonstrating that they possess language skills, aptitude for reasoning, and the ability to argue
with a critical spirit. Honors will be awarded if the student has particularly distinguished himself
for the linguistic and argumentative skills demonstrated.

Voto Finale

The course aims to illustrate and critically explore the rules of governance in societies
closed and open shares and their relationship with the protection of savings. It is also proposed to examine
a series of jurisprudential cases of corporate law, assigned by the teacher in advance, exposed by the
more willing students and discussed collegially in class.
As for knowledge and understanding skills, we aim to develop in students, both
both remotely and in presence, knowledge and awareness of the interdisciplinary dimension of law
commercial and mutual influence between efficient management of the company and protection of investors
and stakeholders.
As for the ability to apply knowledge, the aim is to develop in students the ability to
apply the knowledge provided to understand and distinguish legal function and motivations
historical-political-economic aspects of the legislation and draw consequent interpretative deductions. In
order to make independent judgement, the student will have to acquire the ability to connect sources together
regulations and to develop one's own judgment in the light of doctrinal and jurisprudential guidelines
Regarding communication skills, the student will have to acquire the ability to present the
knowledge acquired clearly, with technical language and to have developed the ability to
critical evaluation and argumentation.

The course, delivered in person, will focus on the discipline of companies with listed shares and on the topic
monograph of information duties in the governance of joint-stock companies. They will be examined
in class a series of jurisprudential cases aimed at making living law known


The teaching activity consists of 35 hours of lessons, which presuppose a participatory method
of students, who will be assigned jurisprudential cases or topics to present or discuss.
Within the limits of the hours available for the course, each student who makes himself available, individually,
a case will be assigned. The case will be presented by the assigned student and discussed in the classroom
collegially; all participants must have read it before the lesson. The exposition of the case
will be evaluated for a certain fraction of the vote (30% of the overall vote). The cases
they will also be uploaded to the e-learning platform and will constitute, for all students,
subject for the exam, and this both in the case of the student attending in person and in the case of attending a