Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (55 hours)

The course presupposes the basic knowledge acquired through the preparation of Administrative Law I. The following prerequisites also apply: Institutions of Private Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure Law

Final Examination: 

The assessment of learning will take place through oral examinations covering the entire programme of the two-year course, with the final grade awarded in thirtieths. The examination interview will start with a general question and move on to more specific questions of a more in-depth nature and content, suitable for proposing further in-depth studies. The level of knowledge of the topics covered by the course programme and the candidate's technical-expressive ability will be taken into account in the assessment.
Attending students may participate, at their own discretion, in special seminar modules, which will be the subject of an interview during the oral examination. Intermediate tests will also be held, also optional, the success of which will be taken into account in the final interview.

Voto Finale

The course has a thematic approach. The subject matter is particularly the consensual activity of the public administration, which is currently the focus of doctrinal and jurisprudential debate.

The teaching will focus in particular on the following topics:
- Provisional and conventional activities of the public administration.
General theory profiles
- The contrast between contractual activity under private law and contractual activity with a public object
- Administrative procedure and agreements
- The agreements referred to in Article 11 of Law No. 241/1990.
Substitute and supplementary agreements.
The debate on the nature
- The invalidity regime: the comparison between the pathology of the measure and the defects of the agreements
- The judicial protection


Teaching includes:
- mainly theoretical lectures, aimed at illustrating principles and institutes of administrative law;
- discussions of case law, aimed at promoting the acquisition of administrative law vocabulary and legal argumentation techniques in students;
- practical exercises concerning the topics covered in the theoretical lectures.
In the course of the academic year, the lecturer also reserves the right to assess the activation of compulsorily attended seminars concerning specific areas of Administrative Law.
Normative materials, case law and administrative documents will be uploaded onto the e-learning platform.
Lectures may be conducted by means of remote teaching and/or audio recordings and/or power points with embedded audio and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure opportunities for interaction with students and to guarantee compliance with the course programme.

The reception for students will take place on two days a week, for a total of approximately 4 hours; furthermore, during the period of frontal teaching, it will be possible to make requests for clarification, not only during the course of the lecture, but also at the end of it. The lecturer is, moreover, available to agree on a different reception time, upon request through the University email address, the Teaching Secretariat or other institutional channels.
Interaction opportunities may also take place remotely.