Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (600 hours)

Access to the third-year internship requires passing the two second-year internships and the final internship exam of the second year.

Final Examination: 

The evaluation of the internship is expressed by a single grade, at the end of the year, expressed in thirtieths. The final grade is the weighted average of the following intermediate evaluative actions:
- Evaluation of the situational activity, conducted at the end of the field experience at the end of each internship:
- Evaluation of the internship structure (2 annual grades): expressed in thirtieths by the internship assistant, according to the evaluation form in the booklet, the grade is worth 20%. Non-sufficiency of this evaluation implies the need to repeat the course.
- Evaluation by the tutor: the student is evaluated through an interview on the learnings related to his/her role in the internship context and the main contents of the professional identity impacted during the experience, the grade is expressed in thirtieths according to a prepared evaluation form. The student is also evaluated on the ability to rework the experience through a written paper, according to an outline defined in the internship booklet. The grade is expressed in thirtieths. The average of the two tutor's grades constitutes the internship exam grade and weighs 30%. Evaluation of service learning activities. The supervisor evaluates, in thirtieths and according to a prepared evaluation form, the design process, regardless of the outcome of the implementation. The grade is unique for all members of the service learning group. The grade weighs in at 20 percent Final evaluation of the year . At the end of the year there is a concluding written examination, whose grade expressed in thirtieths weighs 20%, on the skills acquired during the year. The remaining 10% is derived from the laboratory assessments

Voto Finale

The internship is the preferred tool for the construction of the E.P.'s professional identity.
It takes the form of a practical activity within services dedicated to personal care under the close accompaniment of tutors (within the CDS organization and co-constructors of the training process) and internship assistants (professionals of host facilities subsidiary to the training process through the preparation of an experiential pathway in the field). The triangulation between student/tutor/internship assistant, inscribed in the institutional contexts of the university and service worlds, constitutes a learning process based on mutual pleasure in researching, in questioning the meaning of events, in doing together thinking: knowing that the visible part of the work, linked to doing to techniques, is as important as the part referring to communicative, relational, intangible dimensions.
Particularly in the third year, the internship is geared toward completing and consolidating the theoretical-practical acquisition of content attributable to three macro-categories:
- Tools of educational work
- Educational design
- The World of Services
- Area-specific topics.
Students are required to complete a total of 500 hours of internship divided into three stages:
100 hours Service Learning
200 hours I internship
200 hours II internship

Upon completion of the third-year professionalizing internship, the student will be able to:
1. Read and interact with the organizational contexts in which they work
2. Work in multidisciplinary teams to build life projects for users and patients
3. Bring the educational professional specificity of a broad, non-technicist outlook
4. Relate constructively and purposefully with different categories of frailty
5. Prepare individualized educational and service projects, autonomously and in close collaboration with other professionals

The third year is the concluding step of deepening the cross-cutting contents of the profession, presented and treated processively throughout the three-year period. The ideal progression, starting from a phase of discovery in the first year and technical acquisition in the second, concludes in the third year with the final appropriation of the objects of learning and their more autonomous and conscious experimentation. Specifically, with reference to the macro-areas identified above, the contents of the third year are:
- Tools of educational work
Observation: observing to evaluate, writing observation, self-observation
Educational relationship: criticality and risks of the relationship with different target users and with respect to role and operational context
Teamwork: contribution of EP to teamwork, resources limitations and skills
The educational interview: conducting educational interviews
The group: conducting groups, carrying out group projects
Activities: designing activities for different targets, calibrating activities from needs interests and residual abilities, evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of the activity
Educational design
Writing an individual, activity and service project, designing for calls, networking to support the project
- The World of Services
Service organization: mission, legislative context, history of the service, guiding principles, type of services provided and division of labor.
Professional profile: specificity of the educational profession in the areas of internship, spaces and skills
Territory: social skills of the educator as an agent of change in the territory, as a mediator and collaborator with other agencies in the territory
- Area-specific themes
The specific themes of each area are defined by the instances that the student encounters in the experiential pathway and, by way of example, may concern:
Hospital area: construction of transversal pathways of educational humanization in the wards, identification of accompanying pathways to support care, cultural paradigm shift on the concept of care on the part of health workers and patients in receiving and giving care, construction of multidisciplinary teams to foster the circulation of knowledge, rehabilitation centers as a bridge between the hospital and return home.
Social Marginality Area: territorial services, the world of work, the residential community in its individual and group dimensions, recognizing and responding to new poverty by identifying effective and constructive strategies appropriate to them,
Juvenile area: adolescence, child protection, play and play.


The internship is a complex device composed of multiple activities geared toward the progressive appropriation of professional identity in a circular process of learning from experience. The mosaic of activities of which it is composed consists of:
- Situational activities: 100% compulsory attendance in a contracted service, with the support of a dispensational internship assistant from the host organization.
- Tutoring activities: small-group reflective practice workshops, attendance of which is compulsory, led by the university tutor aimed at revising on practice and analyzing the work done in the in-situ activity
- Miniseminars: presentation activities of area projects related to the internship areas, attendance is mandatory
- Monitoring of the progress of the in-situ activity: contacts between tutor and assistant in order to better and better decline the individual path of each student
- Service learning activities: compulsory, students in small groups experience an activity of planning and implementation of activities/actions in favor of services in the territory, with supervision of the process by tutors
- Webinars
- Individual interview: each student has a mandatory individual interview with the tutor of the relevant Internship Area (two per year) aimed at getting to know and defining the individual training project. Next to the first mandatory interview there are interviews as needed requested either by the student or the tutor.

Appointments or inquiries can be made by contacting the coordinator via e-mail at:
