Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Not binding prerequisites: basics of mathematical analysis (solutions of differential equations), thermodynamics, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, occupational hygiene. English reading comprehension.

Final Examination: 

Chemical-Environmental Risk Module:
Verification of learning consists of a written test with 30 multiple-choice questions, of which only one is the exact one or is the most accurate of the others. Questions to be answered within 60 minutes are inherent in the lesson program and the ability to link different aspects treated during theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The final vote, expressed in thirtieths, will depend on the arithmetic sum of the points obtained with each answer (1 point if it is correct, 0 if incorrect or omitted) and will average with the vote attended in the other module of the integrated course.

Industrial Processes and Safety Module:
The acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills is verified by conducting a written test lasting about 2 hours.
The written examination consists of three different types of questions aimed at assessing: 1) ability to present an argument in a comprehensive manner (or part of a topic) treated into the course; 2) ability to respond briefly and precisely to a specific request; 3) ability to use the knowledge and skills acquired in order to analyze issues not explicitly addressed in the course.
As regards the first type of question, the student is asked to present a topic covered during the course.
As for the second type of question, the student is proposed to respond in a quick and concise manner (less than 15 rows) to a question concerning an issue addressed in the course. It is thus tested the student's ability to synthesize together with the ability to get into the core of a topic and avoid unnecessary digressions.
Finally, as regards the third type of question, the student is asked to analyze an issue not explicitly covered by the course but which has significant similarities (both from a technical and functional point of view) with what has been largely dealt with. The student must be able to identify similarities with already known problems, and he/she must therefore make certain assumptions relating to the proposed solution.
In the examination all these three types of question have the same weight (with reference to a thirty rating: 8/30). 6/30 can be attributed to the properties of language (use of correct terminology and ability to formulate precise sentences, logical and grammatically correct).

Voto Finale

Chemical-Environmental Risk Module:
The course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to perform the risk assessment for workers and for the general population exposed to chemicals, as well as to perform experimental assessments for risk assessment to define risk management actions. The course aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of risk assessment for humans and the environment, knowledge of the main environmental pollutants and the main methods of study (sampling, analysis and exposure assessment) of pollutants. Elements will also be provided relating to the application of these methods for the purposes of assessing long-, medium- and short-term exposure to environmental pollutants in the context of the risk assessment procedure and for the protection of human health and the environment.

Industrial Processes and Safety Module:
The course has the following objectives:
- Characterize and model a generic chemical process with particular reference to the dynamic simulation of ideal chemical reactors.
- Identify safe and productive operating conditions for a generic process.
- Conduct an advanced recursive operability analysis in order to identify the hazards associated with the process being analyzed and quantify the probability of occurrence of any top event.
- Analyze incidental events and reconstruct their causes.


The course is organized in frontal lessons with slides and multimedia tools to help students learn the expected learning outcomes.
