Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

Students must possess basic notions of cellular and molecular biology and pharmacology.

Final Examination: 

Exam sessions are scheduled in the number planned by the Master Degree Course. The learning outcomes will be assessed through a 1h written exam in which open questions on topics selected from the syllabus will be asked to the students and discussed in English and a 15/20 min journal club presentation on a nutraceuticals topic (in English, not mandatory).
The final evaluation will include an overall assessment regarding the basic knowledge about issues related to the course content, the ability to properly motivate statements and to sustain an adequate discussion during journal club, the communication skills.
The final mark, expressed in thirtieths, will be determined by the sum of the marks attained by the students for both journal club presentation (up to 3) and written exam (up to 28). The exam will be considered passed with a final mark equal or higher than a 18/30 threshold.

Voto Finale

The purpose of this course is to provide essential bases about principles of nutraceutics and proactive medicine, with particular attention on cancer chemoprevention. The course focuses on concepts, methods, issues and applications related to these topics.
The student will be provided with theoretical information, along with practical and applicative detail, at the basis of the activity of some nutraceuticals used in cancer chemoprevention and treatment and in other pathologies.
This knowledge completes the training of a Biomedical Sciences student, with solid and up-to-date skills in the fundamental sectors of life sciences, also based on knowledge acquired in biomolecular, health and biotechnological fields.
Risultati di apprendimento
Specifically, at the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the main extraction methods of active principles from plants
2. Describe the characteristics of some plants used as nutraceuticals for cancer chemoprevention and treatment.
3. Understand and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a proactive approach to a number of common pathologies, with particular attention to the use of nutraceuticals.
4. Indipendently present a scientific work (journal club) about the use of a nutraceutical, also discussing methods, results and possible applications.

In particular, teaching activity concerns the following topics:
• Nutraceuticals: nomenclature, watchful medicine vs proactive medicine; nutraceuticals sources; extraction from plants, methods of analysis, preclinical research;
• Use of nutraceuticals in cancer chemoprevention
• Nutraceutics in other pathologies: metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, type II diabetes, migraine, Parkinson's and Alzeimher's disease, cancer chemoprevention, inflammation.
• Seminars on specific topics and journal club

Professor Marzia Gariboldi is available for meetings with students for further information about the topics covered, by appointment via e-mail (


Students will gain experience through teaching lessons, held with the aid of slide presentation sessions, critical evaluation of literature, group discussions and journal club.
Teaching activity includes:
• Lectures and discussion of scientific articles on the use of nutraceuticals in cancer chemoprevention and different health issues.
• Seminars on specific topics with expert in the field

The teaching material for the lectures of this course is periodically updated and consists of slides that are presented in class by the teacher and scientific articles relating to the topics covered in class.
The teaching material is available on the e-learning platform.
Professor Marzia Gariboldi is available for meetings with students for further information about the topics covered, by appointment via e-mail (