Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Students are expected to be familiar with general chemistry and biochemistry skills and the principles of basic human pathophysiology.

Final Examination: 

Oral exams, the minimum to pass the exam is 18/30. During the exam the student will be evaluated considering his knowledge and understanding ( 25 % ), the ability to apply knowledge and understanding ( 25 % ) , his independent judgment ( 15 % ), the communication skills ( 15 % ) and the ability to learn ( 20 % ) in relation to curse program

Voto Finale

Knowledge and understanding (Knowledge and know)
The course aims at providing a complete overview of the structural characteristics and functional properties of the main biomolecules of biomedical interest, to understand the alterations that may cause diseases.
Critically review the laboratory investigations of metabolism disorders, glucose intolerance and adult hyperglycemia. Review and critique the classification of dyslipidemias and discuss their diagnosis.
On successful completion of this module, the learner will be able to: Identify the principles and evaluate the biochemical methodologies used for the interpretation of common disorders and diseases of the tissues as (a) Kidneys (b) Heart and (c) Bone and (d) liver. Identify and appraise the laboratory investigation of selected disorders of protein metabolism. Identify and evaluate the principles, interpretation and use of clinical enzyme methods. Record, process, analyze and interpret experimental data. Demonstrate the use of various laboratory instruments and equipment.
Applying knowledge and understanding (Skills and know how).
Be able to apply the methods to analyze the specimen used in biomedical laboratory as blood, urine, SCF in order to identify specific markers of pathology. Be able to employ the acquired notions to select specific list of exams to use for a complete diagnostic procedure and to select the appropriate technologies.

PRINCIPLES OF LABORATORY OF MEDICINE: selection of analytical and clinical evaluation methods; evidence-based laboratory medicine; establishment and use of reference values; specimen collection; processing and preanalytical variables; quality management; principles of basic techniques and laboratory safety.
ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION: optical techniques; electrochemistry and chemical sensors; electrophoresis; chromatography; mass spectrometry; enzyme and rate analysis; immunochemical techniques; automation; point-of-care instrumentation.
ANALYTES: amino acids, peptides and proteins; serum enzymes; tumor markers and cancer genes; kidney function tests-creatinine, urea and uric acid; carbohydrates; lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins and cardiac risk factors; electrolytes; hormones; catecholamine and serotonin; vitamins, trace elements and nutritional assessment; hemoglobin, iron and bilirubin; porphyrins and porphyria; therapeutic drugs and their management; clinical toxicology; toxic metals;
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: diabetes; cardiovascular disease; kidney disease; physiology and disorders of water electrolytes; acid base metabolism; liver disease; gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases; disorders of bone and mineral metabolism; disorders of pituitary gland; disorders of adrenal cortex; thyroid disorders; reproduction related disorders; pregnancy and prenatal testing; newborn screening and inborn errors of metabolism; basic of pharmacogenomics;
MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS: principles of molecular biology; nucleic acid and techniques; basic on genomes and nucleic acid variations.

PRINCIPLES OF LABORATORY OF MEDICINE: selection of analytical and clinical evaluation methods; evidence-based laboratory medicine; establishment and use of reference values; specimen collection; processing and preanalytical variables; quality management; principles of basic techniques and laboratory safety.
ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION: optical techniques; electrochemistry and chemical sensors; electrophoresis; chromatography; mass spectrometry; enzyme and rate analysis; immunochemical techniques; automation; point-of-care instrumentation.
ANALYTES: amino acids, peptides and proteins; serum enzymes; tumor markers and cancer genes; kidney function tests-creatinine, urea and uric acid; carbohydrates; lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins and cardiac risk factors; electrolytes; hormones; catecholamine and serotonin; vitamins, trace elements and nutritional assessment; hemoglobin, iron and bilirubin; porphyrins and porphyria; therapeutic drugs and their management; clinical toxicology; toxic metals;
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: diabetes; cardiovascular disease; kidney disease; physiology and disorders of water electrolytes; acid base metabolism; liver disease; gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases; disorders of bone and mineral metabolism; disorders of pituitary gland; disorders of adrenal cortex; thyroid disorders; reproduction related disorders; pregnancy and prenatal testing; newborn screening and inborn errors of metabolism; basic of pharmacogenomics;
MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS: principles of molecular biology; nucleic acid and techniques; basic on genomes and nucleic acid variations.

Suggested test: Tietz: Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 7e

Free medical Journals:

List of Clinical Chemistry links:


Lectures based on the use of power points presentations and video projections

In the presentations of the teacher there may be links to web pages for further information. For student reception, make an appointment via email with the teachers.
Student Reception: appointment by e-mail (
