Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (15 hours)

Not necessary

Written and oral exam

Voto Finale

- To know the special features that characterize the history, the organization and the operation of Psychiatric Services;
- To Identify the A.I. prevailing needs in people with mental health problems;
- To know how to identify and respond to the needs of A.I. of people with psychiatric disorders of greatest incidence and prevalence by using of ICNP.
- To know the elements to establish the helping relationship with people with mental health problems and their family.

- The concept from health to health and mental hygiene;
- Historial evolution of psichychiatry, of structures and of psichiatric nurse;
- Legislative framwork and reference;
- Organization of psychiatric servies;
- The departement of mental health;
- Teamwork and therapeutic project;
- The concept of A.I. to the person with mental health problems, according to the use of ICNP.A.I. nursing care to the person with major mental disorders such as anxiety-related disorders, mood, psychotic disorders and personality disorders;
- Emergency/urgency in psychiatry;
- Paths rehabilitation in psychiatry.

- To know the special features that characterize the history, the organization and the operation of Psychiatric Services;
- To Identify the A.I. prevailing needs in people with mental health problems;
- To know how to identify and respond to the needs of A.I. of people with psychiatric disorders of greatest incidence and prevalence by using of ICNP.
- To know the elements to establish the helping relationship with people with mental health problems and their family;
- The concept from health to health and mental hygiene;
- Historial evolution of psichychiatry, of structures and of psichiatric nurse;
- Legislative framwork and reference;
- Organization of psychiatric servies;
- The departement of mental health;
- Teamwork and therapeutic project;
- The concept of A.I. to the person with mental health problems, according to the use of ICNP.A.I. nursing care to the person with major mental disorders such as anxiety-related disorders, mood, psychotic disorders and personality disorders;
- Emergency/urgency in psychiatry;
- Paths rehabilitation in psychiatry.

Frontal lessons

Vincenzo Ranucci, Giovanni Spacca Peli, Fondamenti di Infermieristica in Salute Mentale, Maggioli Editore + Slides fornite dal Docente.
