Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Busto Arsizio - Ospedale di Busto Arsizio
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.

Final Examination: 

The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions whose assessment relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.

Voto Finale

Acquire the historical and disciplinary knowledge about nursing care useful for laying the foundations of professional identity.
Acquire knowledge about historical path of care, nursing care and professionalization in the 20th century.
Acquire knowledge about the fundamental concepts of nursing, the nursing theories and method, the nursing care process, with its phases, which constitute the nursing discipline.
To acquire the knowledge about nursing methods and tools for data collection, the interaction in communication with the person, the family and the reference persons.
Deepen the knowledge of the disciplinary concepts, person, health / illness, environment, nursing care, which constitute the basis for identifying, according to a nursing theory of reference, the state of need for nursing care, through nursing care process.
Know the fundamental concepts of the historical evolution of the nursing values, including ethical ones.
Identify the principles of general ethics and nursing profession ethics.
Acquire knowledge about ethical reasoning methods in order to identify ethical problems and solutions in practice.
Know deeply nursing needs related to the state of health of the person, by the different stages of life, from childhood to seniority. From the perspective of biophysiology, psychology and socio cultural nursing.
Study in deep methods of both observation and data collection. Study in deep the clinical method of physical examination throughout the patient observation and interview. Know nursing planning methods according to criteria of priority and continuous evaluation of the interventions carried out and the results obtained by satisfying nursing needs.
Acquire knowledge of nursing based practice to satisfy nursing needs
Learning outcomes
The student will describe the evolution and fundamental concepts of nursing discipline, the conceptual models of reference and the nursing discipline method, the principles of general ethics and nursing profession ethics, the ethical reasoning method and the code of ethics of nurses.
The student will explain the relevance of the ethical values that guide nursing action, with particular reference to the relationship with the assisted person considering the code of ethics.
Acknowledges and describes nursing needs in the perspective of biophysiology, psychology and socio cultural nursing.
Describes data collect methods and recognizes nursing assessment way to plane and evaluate nursing needs and their satisfaction by the nursing process.


History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century
The professionalization process
• The regulation of nursing
• The nursing discipline:
 Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
 the nursing discipline concepts,
 theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
 the disciplinary method: nursing process
 the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
 data collection: observation and interview techniques
• Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
• The main ethical models
• Nursing principles and values
• The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019


Nursing care process stages: data collection, identification of nursing care needs, definition of the goals of nursing care, nursing care planning, assessment of nursing interventions.
Method of conducting the nursing interview and physical examination for the collection of the main data for the identification of nursing care needs.
Information systems for nursing care.
Methods of collecting the main data for the identification of nursing care needs: state of awareness and attention, arterial pulse characteristics, blood pressure, body temperature, fever characteristics, breathing characteristics, chest characteristics, cough characteristics, sputum characteristics, vomiting characteristics, pain characteristics, urine characteristics, urination characteristics, stool characteristics, evacuation characteristics, characteristics of the skin and skin appendages, characteristics of the mucous membranes, state of nutrition and hydration, characteristics of voluntary and involuntary movements, characteristics of the muscles, characteristics of the joints, characteristics of sleep, characteristics of language, characteristics of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, state of orientation, perception and ideation.
Nursing needs identification: data aggregation and comparison, data validation and analisys, formulation of a nursing problem/diagnosis, priority definition.
Method for nursing goals setting: criteria for formulation and validity.
Nursing planning methods: appropriateness and priority of intervention and use of resources, use of nursing clinical documentation.

Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: CEA; 2019
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2011.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell’assistenza e dell’assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Artioli G, Copelli P, Foà C, La Sala R. La valutazione infermieristica della persona assistita. Milano: Poletto Editore, 2016
Cantarelli M. Il Modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2018
Craven RF, Hirnle CJ, Henshaw CM. Principi fondamentali dell'assistenza infermieristica. (6ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2019.
Saiani L, Brugnolli A. Trattato di cure infermieristiche. (2ed)Milano: Edizioni Sorbona, 2014

Lectures and practical exercises
