Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (75 hours)

The exam includes a written and an oral test. The written test will consist of 30 multiple choice questions, which will focus on the entire program of the two disciplines of the integrated course: general nursing 1 and nursing methodology. Each question will have a value of 1 point for a total achievable score of 30 points; on achieving at least 18 points in the written test, it will be possible to access the oral test. The test will last 30 minutes. The oral exam will focus on the contents covered in the integrated course of the two disciplines

Voto Finale

At the end of the course the student will have learnt:
• to apply Marisa Cantarelli's Model of Nursing Services, especially the first two phases of data collection and classification
• to carry out an initial assessment of the state of health of the assisted person through the tools available such as observation, interview / interview, physical examination, assessment scales
• to identify Nursing Care Needs
• to transmit information and use nursing documentation

The proposed contents are as follows:
• From the collection and classification of data to the identification of the Need for Nursing Assistance according to the Model of Nursing Services (Cantarelli, 2017): introductory elements to the nursing decision-making process
• Methodology for the application of the Model of Nursing Services (Cantarelli, 2017)
• The discriminating factors of simple and complex nursing care
• The collection and classification of data within the nursing care process: methods and tools
• Rating scales in healthcare, subjective and objective data, measurable or describable data, primary and secondary sources
• Collection and classification of data of nursing interest: observation aimed at assistance, interview and interview, physical or objective examination.
• The influence of pain and neurological status within the nursing care process
• The characters of normality referable to Nursing Care Needs, signs and symptoms of nursing interest
• The collection and classification of specific data for Nursing Care Needs according to the Model of Nursing Services (Cantarelli, 2017): need to breathe, need to feed and hydrate, need for urinary and intestinal elimination, need for hygiene, need for movement need for rest and sleep, need to maintain cardiovascular function, need for a safe environment, need for interaction in communication, need for therapeutic procedures, need for diagnostic procedures
• The transmission of information: nursing documentation and responsibility of the nurse
• The relevance of the transversal elements in welfare situations: health education as a method, communication, respect for privacy

Cantarelli M. (2017) The model of nursing services. Third edition. Milan: Ambrosiana Publishing House
Artioli G., Copelli P., Foà C., La Sala R. (2016) Nursing assessment of the assisted person. Milan: Poletto Editore
Craven R., Hirnle C., Henshaw C.M. (2019) Basic principles of nursing care. 6th edition. Milan: Ambrosiana Publishing House
Hogan-Quigley B., Palm M.L., Bickley L. S. (2017) BATES Evaluation for nursing care. Milan: Ambrosiana Publishing House
Santullo A. (2009) The rating scales in healthcare. Milan: McGraw-Hill

The module will develop through lectures managed synchronously in TEAMS and in presence; during the lessons the teacher will make use of the projection of slides that summarize and simplify the proposed contents.
The teaching material will be uploaded to the e-learning platform where the teacher will also make a forum available to clarify doubts and allow asynchronous communication.
Care cases will be presented and discussed during the lessons, individual and group work, in order to give greater substance to the theoretical contents presented.
It will also be proposed to watch videos that exemplify the more practical contents of the course. On the basis of ministerial and rectoral indications, teaching may vary.

It will be possible to interact with the teacher through the e-learning platform and the dedicated forum asynchronously or through an interview on the TEAMS platform in synchronous mode.
Reference email of the teacher:
