- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
General knowledge of outlines the Italian history of art.
The final examination consists of a verbal test which includes three questions on wide ranging topics and on specific ones based on the bibliography require at n. 6. They will cover the complete program through the time frame considered. The student will be asked to emphasize relationships and connections between different topics delivered during lessons.
The result is expressed with a 30-point scale that can be divided into failing (0 to 17) and passing (18 to 30 cum laude) grades. The mark is based on a general assessment on the answers to the three questions. They all have the same value. The final mark will be revised considering the global knowledge of the student.
The fundamental principles are: the knowledge acquired, considering the communications skills required by the Master’s Degree course, the correct positioning of phenomenon, events and objects in space and time, the ability in formal reading, including a critical judgment and suggestions of proper comparisons, the communication skill using the proper language, as suggested during lessons.
The course of Patrimonio culturale diritto e storia belongs to the group of humanistic teachings which characterize the course of studies of the Laurea Magistrale (Master Degree) of Scienze e Tecniche della Comunicazione.
The student (who is already able to know the outlines of Italian and European History of Art and Architecture with supplementary elements on Middle Ages and researches on the Lombard area for those who attended the Bachelor’s degree) will have to prove the following results:
Knowledge of the notion of cultural heritage and of its lexical and definitory development.
General knowledge of the European protection legislation and more analytical acquittance of the Italian one, with special care of the current legislation.
General knowledge of the situation of cultural heritage in Italy, especially referring to the preservative patterns, to the public access and enhancement.
The acquired knowledge can contribute to the growth of the general skills of synthesis and processing of data and concepts derived from different sources, together with the development of the correct use of Italian language considering the specific dictionary required by the topics delivered.
The following topics will be delivered during lessons:
Methodological introduction to the subject-
Notion of “cultural property” and of “cultural heritage”: history and development.
Musealization and conservation.
Promotion and enhancement.
History of the European protection legislation.
History of the Italian protection legislation.
The course will be complemented with speeches, in discussions with the teacher, by superintendents, museum directors, mangers in various capacities of cultural heritage.
The course, in compliance with the present provisions, will be delivered with frontal lessons in presence, through the Teams platform and with powerpoint files (downloadable from the e-learning platform), for the total amount of 56 hours. They will be all conducted by the tenured professor of the course, encouraging, as much as possible, interaction between the lecturer and students. At the end of each lesson students can ask for clarifications and further explanations of the topics proposed by chat or e-mail.
The attendance of lessons is highly recommended to take advantage of all the interdisciplinary connections (political history, historic geography, history of literature, etc.) and critical interpretations of the phenomenon which will be proposed by the teacher lesson by lesson and which can not be fully developed in the handbooks available.
Consultation hours. Using the Teams platform, or at the professor’s office (Collegio Cattaneo, Via Jean Henry Dunant, 7 Varese), or even in Como in venue to be agreed. You have to require a prior appointment by sending your e-mail to The appointment will be fixed within one week.
Before and after lessons it is always possible to have informal consultations or to require an appointment with the teacher.