Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

Interest in visual culture, and in the themes of the course.

Final Examination: 

During the examination, knowledge of the course content will be tested. The exam will take into account not only the knowledge of the contents, through the reading and commentary of some passages of the texts in the programme, but also the familiarity with the readings proposed during the lessons and with any materials made available on the computer platform.

Voto Finale

The aim of the course is one and threefold: 1) it aims to provide students with a theoretical perspective on visual culture and on the devices of seeing/not-seeing, through the study of some exemplary conceptual models; 2) it aims to bring students closer to the German-speaking cultural context, and in particular to some of its significant referents in the world scene (Benjamin, Freud, Warburg); 3) it aims to link the theme of the gaze to the salient themes of contemporary society (epistemic practices, gender issues and social policies).

The course aims to present German-speaking visual cultures through an exploration of some significant theorists of this undisciplined discipline. Through the reading of literary, philosophical and sociological texts, some of the main themes of "Visual Culture" will be explored: the question of seeing/not-seeing; the archaeology of vision; the ambivalence of images; the devices of vision. The course therefore proposes a cross-curricular pathway that, on the one hand, aims to offer a basis of knowledge of 20th century German-speaking culture and, on the other, aims to offer students the ability to understand the strategies of vision, in order to then export them to the communicative strategies they have chosen as their preferred field of interest.

Prof. Micaela Latini - Visual Cultures of the German Language
Course title: Lo stile dello sguardo. Tales and visions of the modern

Learning Objectives
The aim of the course is one and threefold: 1) it intends to provide students with a theoretical perspective on visual culture and on the devices of seeing/not-seeing, through the study of some exemplary conceptual models; 2) it intends to bring students closer to the German-speaking cultural context, and in particular to some of its significant referents in the world scene (Benjamin, Freud, Warburg); 3) it intends to connect the theme of the gaze to the salient themes of contemporary society (epistemic practices, gender issues and social policies)

Interest in visual culture and in the topics of the course.

The course aims to present German-speaking visual cultures through an exploration of some significant theorists of this undisciplined discipline. Through the reading of literary, philosophical and sociological texts, some of the main themes of "Visual Culture" will be explored: the question of seeing/not-seeing; the archaeology of vision; the ambivalence of images; the devices of vision. The course therefore proposes a cross-curricular pathway that, on the one hand, aims to offer a basis of knowledge of 20th century German-speaking culture, and, on the other, aims to offer students the ability to understand the strategies of vision, in order to then export them to the communicative strategies they have chosen as their preferred field of interest.

Teaching methods
The course, which will be held in Italian, includes 64 hours of frontal lessons. Films will be used during the course and teaching materials will be provided.

Assessment of learning
During the examination, knowledge of the course contents will be tested. The exam will take into account not only the knowledge of the contents, through the reading and commentary of some passages of the programmed texts, but also the familiarity with the readings proposed during the lessons and with the materials that may be made available on the computer platform.
Texts (2)
1) M. Cometa, Visual Culture, Raffaello Cortina 2020
2) M. Latini, Lo sguardo ritratto, Meltemi 2021
A text to be chosen among:
1) Th. Bernhard, Antichi Maestri, Adelphi, Milano
2) W. Benjamin, L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, Einaudi, Torino
3) S. Freud, Gradiva, Bollati-Boringhieri, Einaudi, Torino
4) R. Musil, Immagini postume pubblicate in vita, Einaudi, Torino
5) Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy, Adelphi, Milan
6) G. Simmel, The Forms and Movement, or alternatively Theoretical Objects, in Simmel, Stile moderno, Einaudi, Turin 2021
7) A. Warburg, The Ritual of the Serpent, Adelphi, Milan

Other information
The lecturer reserves the right to indicate and provide any additional material during the lessons.
The lecturer receives students at the end of her lessons or by contact mail:

Basic Texts (2)
1) M. Cometa, Cultura visuale, Raffaello Cortina 2020
2) M. Latini, Lo sguardo ritratto, Meltemi 2021
A text to be chosen among:
1) Th. Bernhard, Antichi Maestri, Adelphi, Milano
2) W. Benjamin, L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, Einaudi, Torino
3) S. Freud, Gradiva, Bollati-Boringhieri, Einaudi, Torino
4) R. Musil, Immagini postume pubblicate in vita, Einaudi, Torino
5) Nietzsche, La nascita della tragedia, Adelphi, Milano
6) G. Simmel, Le forme e il movimento, o in alternativa Oggetti teorici, in Simmel, Stile moderno, Einaudi, Torino 2021
7) A. Warburg, Il rituale del serpente, Adelphi, Milano


The course, which will be held in Italian, comprises 64 hours of face-to-face lessons. Videos will be used during the course and teaching materials will be provided

The lecturer reserves the right to indicate and provide any additional material during the lessons.
The lecturer receives students at the end of her lessons or by appointment. Contact
