Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Midwifery
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

To understand the topics covered during the course and to access the exam, the student must have passed the Fundamentals of Obstetrics exam

Oral exam

Voto Finale

This teaching aims to the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the promotion and education of women's health in all phases of the life cycle; of knowledge related to the legal protection of pregnant women and knowledge of correct drug administration.
At the end of the course the student must be able to plan interventions aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles by implementing the obstetric assistance process based on the use of the scientific method.
The student must learn and be able to apply the principles aimed at the safe administration of drugs.

At the end of the course it is expected that the student has acquired the following knowledge and skills:
1. Awareness of the concepts of health, health, promotion and health education;
2. Knowing how to describe interventions aimed at promoting correct lifestyles;
3. Knowing how to describe interventions aimed at promoting health in preadolescence and adolescence;
4. Knowing how to describe interventions aimed at promoting health in the prenatal period;
5. Awareness of the most common pregnancy disorders and which self-care measures to recommend;
6. Awareness of the principles of hygiene and nutrition during pregnancy;
7. Knowing how to describe the rules that protect pregnant women;
8. Knowing how to describe interventions aimed at promoting menopausal health;
9.Awareness of the principles for a safe administration of drugs;
10. Knowing how to plan an accompanying course at birth

• Health concepts, salutogenesis, prevention, health promotion and education, Ottawa Charter, the role of the midwife in education for women's health in all phases of the life cycle
• Promotion of healthy lifestyles: Gaining Health project
• Promotion of health in preadolescence and adolescence
• Obstetric care in the prenatal period
• Most common pregnancy disorders
• Promotion of self-care during pregnancy
• Hygiene during pregnancy
• Nutrition in pregnancy
• Pregnancy in adolescence and in women over 35
• Legal protection and support for maternity and paternity: Law 8 March 2000, No. 53; Legislative Decree 26 March 2001, No. 151, Legislative Decree 15 June 2015, No. 80
• Promotion of health and prevention in menopause
• Administration of drugs: principles and routes of administration
• Course of accompaniment at birth

• Health concepts, salutogenesis, prevention, health promotion and education, Ottawa Charter, the role of the midwife in education for women's health in all phases of the life cycle
• Promotion of healthy lifestyles: Gaining Health project
• Promotion of health in preadolescence and adolescence
• Obstetric care in the prenatal period
• Most common pregnancy disorders
• Promotion of self-care during pregnancy
• Hygiene during pregnancy
• Nutrition in pregnancy
• Pregnancy in adolescence and in women over 35
• Legal protection and support for maternity and paternity: Law 8 March 2000, No. 53; Legislative Decree 26 March 2001, No. 151, Legislative Decree 15 June 2015, No. 80
• Promotion of health and prevention in menopause
• Administration of drugs: principles and routes of administration
• Course of accompaniment at birth

• Craven R, Hirnle C, Jensen S. (2013- Quinta edizione) Principi fondamentali dell’Assistenza Infermieristica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
• Di Giacomo P, Rigon L. Assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica in area materno-infantile. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. 2016
• Guana M, et al. La disciplina ostetrica: teoria, pratica e organizzazione della professione. McGraw Hill, Milano. 2011
• Ladewig P, London M, Davidson M. Assistenza alla maternità. Edizione italiana a cura di Guana M., Grassi L. Piccin, Padova. 2013
Maghella P. Organizzare e condurre un corso di preparazione al parto. Manuale pratico per operatori. Red Edizioni. 2005

The course includes 30 hours of lectures. The lessons are supported by the slide show.

Teacher can be contacted by e-mail at
for appointments or information requests
