Radiology in trauma osteo -articular

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)

The student, in order to enter the course, must possess knowledge and skills acquired in the previous courses, concerning anatomy, investigation methods and patient positioning.

The assessment of learning will take place through an oral examination covering the content discussed during the course and will be based on the degree of achievement of the expected learning outcomes. The assessment of the examination will be in thirtieths and will take into account the following criteria in particular
- Articulation, precision and significance in the theoretical content acquired
- Personal critical reworking of content
- Ability to present, argue and synthesise the treated constructs with appropriate language

Voto Finale

The teaching activity aims to provide students with the basics in diagnostics in osteoarticular traumatology. In particular, the main diagnostic methods are described with the pros and cons of each method in the diagnosis of different pathologies.
Specifically, at the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Present the main methods of diagnosis (CT, US, MRI, X-ray)
2. Discuss the pros and cons of each method in the evaluation of different pathological conditions.
3. Recognise the main traumatic injuries of the osteoarticular system including the axile and sessile skeleton.
4. Argue the indications for the use of one method rather than another in the diagnosis of specific pathologies under emergency or elective conditions.
5. Apply inductive reasoning in clinical cases built on everyday activity
6. To carry out examinations of appropriate quality that meet the requirements of appropriateness and correctness in the various methods applied to the study of the skeleton in traumatology.

The teaching will focus on the following topics:
- Bone tissue and its micro/macrostructural characteristics
- Fractures: classification by type/district/associated injuries
- Muscle injuries: hints
- Traumatology of the upper limb: humerus, elbow wrist and hand.
- Traumatology of the lower limb: pelvis, hip, knee, ankle and foot.
- Traumatology of the spine.
- Knowledge and use of diagnostic methods (CT, US, MRI, RX) and appropriate use in various clinical scenarios.
- Clinical practice with simulations of real-life cases and appropriate behaviour to be used in performing the examination.


Teaching is offered through lectures conducted by the lecturer with the use of supporting materials (slides, example models, clinical documentation, etc.). The material presented in lectures is made available via the OFFICE 365 application at the end of each lecture.
Attending students are required to systematically proceed with independent study of the material provided and to actively participate in the discussions proposed in the lecture room.
Non-attending students are required to study the materials produced by the lecturer. Furthermore, non-attending students who wish to have clarifications on unclear aspects of the contents of the study texts are invited to contact the lecturer by email to receive the necessary clarifications.

For requests for clarification, the lecturer can be contacted by e-mail (



Parent course