Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

Good knowledge of Chemistry, preferably with the exam of "Chemistry and Propedeutic Biochemistry" passed.

Oral exam which includes questions on one or two subjects. The final grade is based on the student's ability to respond in detail on the topic, as well as having a critical understanding of the diseases associated with imbalances of metabolic pathways and / or biomolecules involved.

Voto Finale

To provide a solid knowledge base on the metabolism of macromolecules and nutrients.

The main biomolecules of the organism: sugars, aminoacids, lipids, cholesterol, energy molecules. Reserve molecules, glycogen and triglycerides.
Oxygen transporters.
Enzymes and vitamins.
Metabolism in normal and pathological conditions.
Lipoproteins, bile acids and hints on cholesterol metabolism.

The main biomolecules of the organism: sugars, aminoacids, lipids, cholesterol, energy molecules. Reserve molecules, glycogen and triglycerides.
Proteins: peptide bond, aminoacidic sequence, three-dimensional structure (eg collagen); post-translational modifications, phosphorylations, glycosilations, proteolysis, bonds with coenzymes
Oxygen transporters: Hemoglobin / Myoglobin
Enzymes: properties, kinetics, inhibitions, regulation, specificity, nomenclature, hints of enzyme co-factors.
Metabolism: anabolism and catabolism, bonds and regulations; bioenergetics: ATP- phosphorylation at the substrate level and NAD + / FAD-reducing power
Respiratory chain.
Glycolysis, glycogen metabolism and effect of insulin and glucagon.
Krebs cycle, gluconeogenesis and their regulation.
Nitrogen metabolism, transamination, transamination, urea cycle and uric acid.
Fat metabolism and metabolic adaptations in fasting.
Heme catabolism and albumins.
Lipoproteins, bile acids and hints on cholesterol metabolism.
Degradation of aminoacids and urea synthesis.
Aminoacid derivatives and nucleotide synthesis (outline)
Insulin / glucagon regulation.

1-Introduzione alla biochimica. Lehninger, Nelson, Cox.
Terza edizione, 2003. Zanichelli.
2-Le basi della Biochimica, Champe PC, Harvey RA, Ferrier DR. Zanichelli.
3- Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry: International Edition, David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, WH Freeman; 7th ed. 2017 edizione (1 gennaio 2017)

Oral lessons in the classroom, including discussions regarding the biochemistry in everyday life. The presentations are then provided to the students via e-learning system.


Parent course