1) The periodic table of elements. Pauli principle. Shell model. Spin orbit interaction. Hund rules. Zeeman effect (8 h).
2) Molecular structure in diatomic molecules. Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Hydrogen molecular ion. Parity. Molecular orbitals. Hydrogen molecule. Covalent and ionic bond, Heitler-London approximation. Examples of ionic bond. Van der Waals forces. Rotational and vibrational motions. Emission and adsorption spectra. Franck-Condon principle. Polyatomic molecules: hybridization (16 h).
3) Elements of solid state physics. Structure of crystals. Periodic lattices. X-ray scattering in crystals. Conduction in metals: Drude-Sommerfeld model. Band structure and Bloch theorem: metals, insulators and semiconductors. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Doping and inhomogeneous semiconductors: the p-n junction (16 h).
The course is essentially based on lectures, during which the teacher presents the contents of the course in full detail, including mathematical derivations. At the end of each section, as previously detailed, few exercises taken from past exams will be presented and discussed (6 h).
The teacher is available for questions by appointment. The teacher e-mail is: