Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours), Seminar (8 hours)
Voto Finale

Vascular surgery:
pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and major vascular manifestations. atheroembolism and aneurysmal dilation. Basics of vascular hemodynamics.
acute ischemia: principal localizations and clinical manifestations. aetiology. complications and surgical treatments. The revascularization syndrome.
Obliterative arteriopathy:
- lower parts and its manifestations. Classifications. prophylaxis and medical therapy. critical ischemia. Peripheral revascularizations: thrombus endo arteriectomy, bypass and angioplasty. Diabetic foot.
prosthetic and endovascular materials.
- Cerebrovascular insufficiency: carotid stenosis, main clinical manifestations, instrumental diagnostics and screening. Carotid plaque AHA classification. Evolution and complications. medical therapy. Surgical treatment. Surgical technique (shunt, patch and direct suture, classical and subversion technique) and brain monitoring (clinical and instrumental).
- Mesenteric celiac insufficiency. Diagnosis and therapy.
Aneurysmal Pathology:
-aortic aneurysm, classification and main locations. Diagnosis and therapy clinic. open treatment and endovascular options.
- visceral aneurisms. renal and mesenteric circulation. endovascular and surgical treatment (kidney transplantation).
- peripheral hospitals. popliteal
Venous pathology:
- TVS and TVP. Vircow triad
-pulmonary embolism
- post-phlebitic syndrome.
- elastic restraint.
- Medical therapy.
-company complications
Vascular access by hemodialysis. Intimal hyperplasia.
MAV in pediatric age. The hemangioma.

Vascular surgery:
pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and major vascular manifestations. atheroembolism and aneurysmal dilation. Basics of vascular hemodynamics.
acute ischemia: principal localizations and clinical manifestations. aetiology. complications and surgical treatments. The revascularization syndrome.
Obliterative arteriopathy:
- lower parts and its manifestations. Classifications. prophylaxis and medical therapy. critical ischemia. Peripheral revascularizations: thrombus endo arteriectomy, bypass and angioplasty. Diabetic foot.
prosthetic and endovascular materials.
- Cerebrovascular insufficiency: carotid stenosis, main clinical manifestations, instrumental diagnostics and screening. Carotid plaque AHA classification. Evolution and complications. medical therapy. Surgical treatment. Surgical technique (shunt, patch and direct suture, classical and subversion technique) and brain monitoring (clinical and instrumental).
- Mesenteric celiac insufficiency. Diagnosis and therapy.
Aneurysmal Pathology:
-aortic aneurysm, classification and main locations. Diagnosis and therapy clinic. open treatment and endovascular options.
- visceral aneurisms. renal and mesenteric circulation. endovascular and surgical treatment (kidney transplantation).
- peripheral hospitals. popliteal
Venous pathology:
- TVS and TVP. Vircow triad
-pulmonary embolism
- post-phlebitic syndrome.
- elastic restraint.
- Medical therapy.
-company complications
Vascular access by hemodialysis. Intimal hyperplasia.
MAV in pediatric age. The hemangioma.

frontal lectures with slides presentations and clinical cases

The teacher receives prior appointment from Monday to Friday:


Parent course