Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (8 hours), Seminar (4 hours)
Voto Finale

- Definition of medicine. From medicine instinctive regular medicine.
- The basics of medicine in the classical world. The body of knowledge Hippocratic-galenical.
- Medication transmission.
- The European Medieval medicine and Universities. The medieval cookbooks.
- Large health problems from the Middle Ages to 'Modern Age. The protagonists of the cure. Places of medicine and places of science.
- The renewal in Modern science. The chapters progress of the knowledge of the human body. New knowledge of anatomy and physiology. The surgeons of the sixteenth century. The sides interpretations of doctrines iatrochemistry and iatromechanics. The optical zoom. Towards the demolition of the doctrine of spontaneous generation. The vaccination.
- The large medical systems to a new understanding of the disease. The mechanisms of social awareness and environmental factors in health and disease. The organ pathology. The victorious statements of basic sciences. The theory phone and cellular pathology.
- The scientific dimension of the nineteenth century. The clinic, hospitals and places of care. Knowledge of semeiotics. The theory phone and cellular pathology. The scene surgery. Medicine and surgery of war. The neutrality of the wounded. The experimental medicine. The identification of infectious agents. The talks between the clinic and laboratory.
- The mental illness. From structures for med men to the mental hospital.

10 frontal lessons and multimedia graphic support.

The Professor is available for further clarification and doubts only by appointment