• History ad setting of Occupational Medicine in Italy. Current legislation for the notification of occupational diseases and for the prevention of work-related exposures. The importance of a reliable and valid anamnestic reconstruction of work exposures.
• Elements of occupational epidemiology and its use
• Elements of industrial hygiene and toxicology. TLV. Toxic effects of more used solvents and metals used in industry productions.
• Notions of radiations, of the determinations of the exposures to ionising radiations and their health effects. Notion of more common work exposure to non-ionising ration and their health effects. Measurement of health effects of exposure to noise and environment work conditions.
• Theories, measurement methods and health effect of exposure to work stress. Exposures and health effects of work organisation conditions (long working hours, night shift). Mobbing and bulling at work: how to identity and manage it.
• How to recognise major work related diseases, including lung diseases, cancers, allergic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, infection diseases and musculoskeletal disorders; and the work exposure able to determining them.
• Principle and concepts on work health promotion and total worker health. The prevention of toxic drug and alcohol abuse in the work place.
• Teratogenic effects of work and environmental exposures, and prevention action for a safety pregnancy and new-borns.
Small group exercises based on clinical case reports.
Class lesions and Small group exercises based on clinical case reports.