Pragmatics of Intercultural Communication

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Como - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (35 hours)

A basic knowledge of linguistics and pragmatics is a plus. However, presupposed notions will be kept to a minimum.

Final Examination: 

The exam consists in two parts:

1) A written test consisting of 4 questions (time: 2 hours). Two questions will be open questions on topics covered during the course. One question will consist in the "pragmatic" comment on a dialogue (identification of politeness strategies, discourse markers, etc.). One question will consist in the pragmatic analysis of an advertising message or a short political text.

2) A short written report or a presentation on an individually assigned short article. The written report (maximum 5 folders) or the powerpoint (maximum 15 slides) must be delivered by email to the teacher by the deadline for registration for the exam. Its evaluation will be an integral part of the overall evaluation.

Voto Finale

The module comprises two parts, a theoretically-oriented one (approx. 20/25 hours) and a practically-oriented one (approx. 10/15 hours).

The first part aims at providing the students with basic notions in intercultural pragmatics. Intercultural pragmatics is a discipline that deals with the language-specific and culture-specific aspects of speech acts and conversation. When communicating in a foreign language, mastering conversational routines is one of the most difficult tasks. Such an ability is relevant to both translators, who mostly operate with written texts, and mediators, who often face unplanned conversational situations in their profession.
The main theoretical notions of intercultural pragmatics (such as, for instance, the notions of face, politeness) will be critically presented, and their usefulness will be evaluated through a rich exemplification drawn from recent studies, mostly concerned with the language- and culture-specific declinations of these notions in various European and extra-European contexts.

The second part will deal with intercultural pragmatics in multilingual professional settings. Through the analysis of real case studies, the students will identify the possible sources of intercultural misunderstandings and impoliteness, and to sort out the common problems that arise in intercultural conversation. They will also identify good practices in dealing with this sort of problems.

At the end of the module, students will be able to apply the theoretical notions to a wide range of real and potential situations of conflict and to propose ways to prevent or resolve the conflict.

- Introduction to pragmatics
- The theory of speech acts: Austin, Searle
- The notion of face
- The notion of politeness
- Theories of politeness: Lakoff, Leech, Brown & Levinson
- Theories of politeness and their critics
- Politeness in intercultural perspective
- Conversational routines in intercultural perspective
- Language and identity
- Interlanguage pragmatics
- Bilingualism and biculturalism
- Intercultural pragmatics in multilingual working settings (laboratory)
- Discourse markers
- Implicitness in political discourse and in advertising

- Introduction to pragmatics
- The theory of speech acts: Austin, Searle
- The notion of face
- The notion of politeness
- Theories of politeness: Lakoff, Leech, Brown & Levinson
- Theories of politeness and their critics
- Politeness in intercultural perspective
- Conversational routines in intercultural perspective
- Language and identity
- Interlanguage pragmatics
- bilingualism and biculturalism
- Intercultural pragmatics in multilingual working settings (laboratory)
- Implicitness in political discourse and in advertising
- Discourse markers

- C. Bettoni, Usare un’altra lingua, Bari-Roma: Laterza, 2006 (Chapters 1-4)

- A. Sansò, I segnali discorsivi, Roma, Carocci, 2019 (Chapters 1 and 3)

3) Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, 2019, La lingua disonesta. Contenuti impliciti e strategie di persuasione, Bologna, Il Mulino (Chapters I, II, III e V: “I mezzi persuasivi della pubblicità e della propaganda”; “”Gli impliciti linguistici del contenuto”; “Gli impliciti della responsabilità”; “Quantificare la disonestà dei testi persuasivi: sorvegliare i politici”)

- Slides and other materials made available through the e-learning platform


Lectures (20/25 hours) + Laboratory (10/15 hours). Guest lectures will also be possible.

Office hours: by appointment only (write an email to
