Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

No prerequisites are required

Final Examination: 

The examination is organized in a quiz written test, lasting about one hour, concerning the risk assessment procedures, quantification methods of the accident effects, determination of the risk levels, criteria for assessing the territorial compatibility of an enterprise at high risk of major accident and the management of the authorities dedicated. The test will be carried out on paper or, possibly, using the e-learning platform. Every right answer corresponds to a score. Usually, 15 questions are provided, 2 points for every right answer, while an incomplete answer provides 1 point. The examination is successful with 18 points (18/30). During the exam, get out of the class is not allowed, as well as the use of mobile phones or other electronic devices. All the sheets provided before the exam should be devolved at the end of the test, with name, surname and matricula. Parts wrote in pencil or colors which are not blue or black will not be corrected. All the topics of the exams will be introduced within the e-learning platform. The students allowed to attend the exams should be registered regularly at the on-line platform and should provide the university card before starting the exam. In case of refusal of the final score, the student should communicate it within 5 days after the publication of the vote in the ESSE3 platform.

Voto Finale

The course aims at providing basic knowledge of the regulatory elements, methods and techniques for risk assessment and territorial and urban compatibility of industrial enterprises which are at major accident risk industrial enterprises. In particular the course describes the actors and stakeholders involved in the decisional process, the requested technical documentation (i.e. safety report, a safety management system, emergency plans, information sheets, ERIR, etc.), risk analysis techniques, logic trees, estimation of the consequences, evaluation of the territorial and urban compatibility.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. analyze an assessment process of a plan or a project in relation to potential environmental criticalities and safety risks
2. manage the required information related to environmental contamination issues and risk assessment for public health due to activities at risk of major accident.
3. identify the main subjects necessary for the development of technical documentation in support to territorial compatibility assessment of enterprises at major accident risk
4. analyze the different design alternatives that aim at reducing the risk related to enterprises at major accident risk
5. know the regulatory references and be able to consult them
6. participate in the environmental monitoring of real systems
7. know how to assess and minimize risks associated with the operators
8. set up a risk analysis related to industrial activities at major accident risk in order to minimize risks

The contents of the course are listed below. All the arguments are quite equivalent regarding the teaching hour dedicated, except for the description of the risk assessment techniques, where more space is dedicated. The arguments are:
• Regulatory elements at national and European level
• Safety management systems
• Structure and contents of Safety Reports
• Description of different risk analysis techniques and its applications (HazOp, FMEA, FMECA, Check-list, What-if Analysis, Historical Analysis, Safety Audit)
• Fault tree and Event tree analysis
• Consequence evaluation (fire, explosion, toxic release, etc.)
• Internal and External Emergency plans
• Territorial compatibility assessment and Major Accidents Risk Report
All the items above listed will have a similar duration in terms of time for presentation (about 4-5 hours) with the exception of risk analysis techniques to which approximately 16 hours will be spent.

Current legislation
Structure of the risk analysis and deductive methods
SGS safety management systems. Choice of analysis criteria; supporting technical documents
Criteria and methods for assessing the conditions of subjection. Historical analysis What-if method. Check-list. Audits and indexed methods
Operability analysis: HazOp, theoretical elements and development
Logic trees: fault tree and event tree
Toxicity of chemicals. Definition of the types of accidental consequences.
Types of reactors. Fugitive and runaway reactions
Explosions (explosive materials and powders). Bleve and fireball. Confined and unconfined explosions: VCE e UVCE
Evaluation of the accident consequences: fires; pool-fire, Jet-fire, flash-fire, tank-fire
Domino effects. ERIR and territorial planning. Transport of dangerous goods and DSS
Internal and External Emergency Plans (PEI, PEE). Area Integrated Plans

The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons. When possible, technical visits will be organized at industrial activities at high accident risks.

Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment (e-mail:, phone number: 0332218782).
