Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Final examination

In order to be admitted to the final examination, the student must have acquired the university credits required by the Study Course Regulations, as well as having fulfilled all the OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) laid down.

The dissertation is assessed by a 5-member Degree Committee, in accordance with the University Teaching Regulations (Art. 29
The graduation session is public and is preceded by an assessment phase for the papers, which is also held in public session, in which the candidates are assessed by a select committee appointed by the President of the BoD.
The overall assessment of the final examination is expressed in 100ths.
The degree mark is determined by the sum of the following addends
1) a credit-weighted average of the marks obtained in the individual profit examinations, given in hundredths, in accordance with the University Regulations for Students
2) an increase depending on the outcome of the final exam, decided on the basis of the following criteria
- 0 to 7 points for tests of type a) and b).
- from 0 to 3 points for type c) tests.
3) an increase of 0 to 3 points in the final grade for students who have spent a study period abroad as part of the ERASMUS programme, decided on the basis of the criteria described below.
The increase referred to in point 2) is decided by considering the following factors:
- Achievement of objectives;
- Correctness, clarity and conciseness of the presentation;
- Appropriateness of the tools and methods chosen to solve the problem;
- Correctness in the use of the tools and methods adopted and quality of the result;
- Innovativeness of the proposed solutions;
- Satisfaction of the client, in the case of work carried out as part of external placements;
- Autonomy and resourcefulness demonstrated by the candidate during the preparation of the final paper.
For type a) dissertations, the increase referred to in point 2) will also be established taking into account the assessment expressed by the company tutor regarding the work carried out by the student.
The increment referred to in point 3) is established on the basis of two parameters indicating the student's performance during the study period abroad, namely:
˗ number N of cfu validated in the student's career as a result of passing examinations present in the Learning Agreement (including any subsequent amendments) and taken at the host foreign university;
˗ average value M of grades converted into thirtieths, validated in the student's career following the passing of examinations present in the Learning Agreement (including any subsequent amendments) and taken at the host foreign university.
Additional points are calculated according to the following rules:
1 point if N is between 20 and 29 cfu, extremes included;
2 points if N is equal to or higher than 30 cfu and M does not exceed 25/30;
3 points if N is equal or superior to 30 cfu and M is greater than 25/30.
After the assessment phase described above, the Select Committee formulates a judgement on the thesis, which it communicates confidentially to the Degree Committee.
If the resulting score after the increment is equal to or higher than 110, the Graduation Committee may unanimously award honours. Honours are awarded in consideration of the special mastery of basic tools and notions, the particular critical ability to apply the knowledge acquired or the autonomy and proactive capacity demonstrated by the graduating student.
The Graduation Committee proceeds to the proclamation in public session.

Voto Finale

The undergraduate must demonstrate an understanding of a problem, knowledge of techniques, tools and methods applicable in solving the problem and the ability to critically expose the relationships between techniques tools and methods on the one hand and the characteristics of the problem on the other.

The final examination consists of a paper that is written under the guidance of a lecturer acting as supervisor and rapporteur.
The paper may be:
a) a report and in-depth examination of the work done in the context of an internship carried out at an external company or body;
b) a report on the work done in the context of an internship carried out within the university;
c) a report on innovative methodologies or technologies proposed as solutions to emerging problems.
The paper is submitted by the student in accordance with the procedures laid down by the University and accessible on the Course of Study website.
The paper may be written in Italian or in English (with an exhaustive summary in Italian).