Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Apprenticeship (25 hours)

The beginning of the practical traineeship is not subject to any particular prerequisites, but it is strongly recommended to pass the examinations foreseen in the first year of the course. Requests are assessed individually by the relevant Internship Commission, with the support of the supervisor.

The assessment of learning is carried out by the supervisor through periodic checks on the progress of the work carried out.
The verification method foreseen for curricular training is simple approval, without the attribution of a grade expressed in thirtieths. After carrying out the necessary work agreed with the supervisor for the completion of the thesis project, the student will be able to access the call for registration of the cfu of internship envisaged by the didactic regulations of their course of study, during which they will present the documentation proving their activity (declaration of completion of the internship within the University or receipt from the DiSTA Internship Desk in the case of an external internship).

Giudizio Finale

The practical traineeship is the time when the student can concretely apply and deepen, with a high degree of autonomy, the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study.
During the internship, students have the opportunity to improve their autonomy of judgement and communication skills, with particular regard to the specific terminology of the discipline chosen for the internship. In addition, the student's self-learning and self-assessment skills are encouraged and enhanced.
During the internship, the student will gain experience useful for the possible continuation of studies or for entry into the world of work.
The training objectives of the internship are specifically set out in an individual training project approved by an internship commission, in line with the specific training objectives of the course of study and the expected professional outlets.
The internship activity is preparatory to the drafting of the thesis that the student will discuss in the final examination.

The internship may be carried out within the University, in the department of the lecturer who is the thesis supervisor, or in external structures that have an agreement with the University (in this case the student, in addition to a company tutor at the external structure, will also have a lecturer who will act as university tutor, corresponding to the thesis supervisor).
The indicative duration of the curricular traineeship for the Master's degree course in Computer Science is 6 months. However, the actual duration of the placement will be agreed with the thesis supervisor.

Practical activities carried out autonomously from one's own PC or at external facilities, accompanied by individual and collective revision, under the guidance of the university tutor, aimed at writing the thesis paper.

OTHER INFORMATION: for more specific information also on the activation, development and closure of the different types of curricular traineeships, please refer to: