Pathophysiology of renal function; clinical, laboratory and instrumental evaluation of kidney and renal function. Proteinuria and hematuria.
For each discussed disease, the following basic topics will be discussed: definition, epidemiology, aetiology, pathophysiology, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy.
Acute and chronic renal failure.
Polycystic kidney disease
Glomerular diseases: pathophysiology,
glomerulonephritis nephrotic syndrome, acute nephritic syndrome, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, paucisintomatic abnormalities of urinary sediment, secondary glomerulonephritis
Tubular-interstitial diseases: definition, classification, acute and chronic manifestation.
Pyelonephritis and urinary tract infections; prostatitis
Metabolic acidosis of renal origin, other pH alterations.
Renal vessels: arterial occlusion, venous occlusion
Neoplasms of the urinary tract.
The course includes frontal lessons, all given by the lecturer of the course. Lessons are supported by PPT slide projection. If required by the students, the teacher can devote the first part of each lesson to clarification and insights on the topics discussed in the previous lessons. Students can also ask for clarifications on specific topics during the lesson.
He receives the students throughout the academic year by agreement with them