Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

The knowledge required for successful learning is that provided by both courses in General Nursing 1 and Nursing Methodology.
The student must know the fundamental concepts of the nursing discipline, the phases of the nursing care process, method and tools as defined in the theoretical model of reference "The model of nursing performance" by Marisa Cantarelli, useful for the collection and classification of data for the identification of Nursing Care Needs

Final Examination: 

The exam includes a written and an oral test. The written test will consist of 30 multiple choice questions, which will focus on the entire program of the two disciplines of the integrated course: general nursing 1 and nursing methodology. Each question will have a value of 1 point for a total achievable score of 30 points; on achieving at least 18 points in the written test, it will be possible to access the oral test. The test will last 40 minutes. The oral exam will focus on the contents covered in the integrated course of the two disciplines.

Voto Finale

At the end of the course, the student will know:
1. Begin to acquire knowledge, skills and competences to self-learn and update throughout the professional life.
2. Identify some concepts relevant to nursing.
3. Describe the crucial steps in the professionalization process of Italian nurses.
4. Recognize the need to address existential and ethical issues in the exercise of the profession.
5. Critically read the type of philosophical approach that inspires action and welfare theories.
6. Know and start using the method and tools of nursing.
7. Operate safely for oneself and others.
8. Apply Marisa Cantarelli's Nursing Performance Model, especially the first two phases of data collection and classification

9. Carry out an initial assessment of the health status of the assisted person through the tools available such as observation, interview, physical examination, assessment scales

10. Identify Nursing Care Needs by describing the characteristics of normality and abnormality of needs.

11. Communicate information and use nursing records
