It is necessary to have acquired basic knowledge of immunology and Genetics
Oral exam aimed at verifying: the ability to organize knowledge; to critically reason on the study carried out; the quality of the exposure
To provide the theoretical / practical basis relating to the special techniques used in the diagnosis of the main forms of lymphomas and leukemia
Immunocytochemical tests, flow cytometry, immunohistochemical tests and the main antibody panels useful in the diagnosis of neoplastic proliferations of leucocytes.
Fluorescent in situ hybridization in the diagnosis of the main haematological malignancies.
Molecular methods in the diagnosis of the main haematological neoplasms: PCR and RT-PCR, sequencing methods using Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing.
An interdisciplinary approach will be applied in order to have a direct involvement of the students using frontal lessons and the critical analysis of the protocols used for the presented tests